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I woke up and yawned, snuggling further into Regina and she hummed. "Good morning baby." She said and i smiled. "Good morning." I said and she kissed my head. "It's early." She said and i hummed. "What time is it?" I asked and she shifted a little. "Four thirty." She said and i nodded. "Maybe we could have sex?" I asked and she chuckled. "Mm I would love to." She said and i smiled before pulling her on top of me. She chuckled and kissed my nose as she settled herself between my legs. I smiled. "So I'm on top this time?" She asked and i smirked, nodding. She leaned down and kissed me softly. I moaned in her mouth as she pushed her hardness into me. I don't think I'll ever get used to her size. She feels so fucking good. We pulled out of the kiss and I licked my lips, tangling a hand in her hair. She smiled at me and kissed down my face and to my pulse point. She sucked hard on it, causing me to moan as she started thrusting slowly into me. I closed my eyes as she started speeding up her pace. I groaned as she sucked extremely hard on my pulse point and let it go with a wet pop. She licked it before kissing it and nuzzling my neck with her nose. I moaned loudly and she groaned in my ear. She slid her hand down my body and started rubbing my clit hard and fast, now thrusting into me at the same rate. I groaned loudly and she moaned in my ear. "Fuck You get me so wet." I groaned, causing her to hum. "And you get me so fucking hard." She mumbled. I moaned and wrapped my legs around her waist. "Fuck! Fuck I'm close already." I groaned and she grunted a little. "Fuck baby. Me too." She mumbled and i whined a little, feeling my orgasm building at a rapid pace. She kept thrusting in me and my moans became high pitched. "Fuck! Regina!" I almost screamed as my orgasm ripped through my body and I came hard. She moaned loudly in my ear as she slammed into me, then came hard. I moaned, feeling her hot cum shoot into me and I closed my eyes, panting hard as my body shook from the best orgasm of my life. She laid on top of me, kissing every part of my skin in reach and I smiled languidly. "Mm more.." i mumbled and she chuckled. "Anything for you, princess."

Around 5.30, we got up and stretched after going several more rounds. I immediately went over to her and pushed myself against her, causing her to wrap her arms around me. She kissed my head and I hummed. "It's cold." I said and she nodded. "You know... we could do Christmas presents naked in bed. Then get up and shower and stuff after." She said and I hummed. "I love that idea." I said and she smiled before kissing my head again. We have a tree up in here and put all our presents under it as we wrapped them. We walked over to it and started taking the gifts over to the bed. After putting them all at the bottom of the bed, we got back under the covers. I leaned against the headboard as she moved them up closer to us. I smiled as she leaned back against the headboard with me. "Okay. Open one." She said and i nodded. "You too." I said and she smiled. She grabbed one and handed it to me, so I did the same. I watched as she tore open the box and I just smiled. I hoped she liked the presents I got her. She smiled brightly seeing the Coach makeup bag I picked out and she hummed. "I love it Em." She said and i chuckled. "Open it." I said and she unzipped it, chuckling. "This is all my makeup." She said and i nodded. "So when you run out, you don't have to buy new ones yet." I said and she smiled. "Thank you my love. I love it." She said and kissed my head. I smiled and nodded. She balled the paper up and tossed it to the ground before setting the makeup bag in the floor. I smiled and started unwrapping the box in my lap. I stared at the box after pulling the paper off. This is a joke right? "This is the one you wanted right?? The Sony alpha a7R iii mirrorless digital camera?" She asked and i teared up. "Baby this is.. too much." I said and she kissed my cheek. "No it's not. You're always taking pictures and they're always amazing. I know how much you love taking pictures and editing them to perfection so I wanted you to have an amazing camera for it." She said and i sniffled. "It's totally decked out. All the possible upgrades. And several different lenses. The box is empty cause the camera and lenses and everything are in the camera bag i got you. It's in my closet." She said and got up, going over to her closet. I set the box down and watched her. She went into her closet and came back out with a black camera bag. She smiled at me and brought it over, setting it beside me on the bed. She sat back down and got under the covers and i pulled her into a kiss. She hummed and we pulled away after a bit. "I have a feeling these gifts are all going to be expensive." I mumbled and she chuckled. "Not all of them. But it doesn't matter. I want to spoil you." She said and i nodded a little. I smiled as I grabbed the camera bag and unzipped it, looking at all the fun stuff in it. "This is going to be so fun.." I mumbled and she chuckled. "Okay. Next one?" She asked and i nodded. I zipped the bag up and set it carefully on my nightstand before grabbing a present for each of us. I started opening the one I grabbed and I smiled brightly seeing a black and white marble print blanket. It's so big and fluffy. "Holy shit I'm gonna cuddle this so hard." I said, causing her to laugh. "I'm glad you like it. You're always cold." She said and i smiled and nodded. She started opening hers and I smiled as she opened the box. She gasped. "Wait a wine subscription? Fuck yes." She said and I giggled. "The information is in there so you can customize it if you don't like what I picked." I said and she nodded. "You're the best." She said and i chuckled. We each grabbed another one and she started opening hers. She chuckled as she tore the last bit of paper off, seeing the blank box. I smiled as she opened it and pulled out the 5 different Mophie portable charger boxes. She chuckled. "These are gonna be helpful." She said and i nodded. "Well your phone is always dead. So now you literally have no excuse for it to be." I said, causing her to chuckle again. "Oh sweet they come fully charged. So we can take a couple of these with us today." She said and i nodded. She kissed my head and i smiled as I started opening mine. When it was opened, I smiled seeing a cute basket full of romantic bubble bath stuff. Candles, bath bombs, bath salts, bubble bath. "This is amazing." I said and she smiled. "Good. I'm glad you like it." She said and i smiled. She grabbed one and handed it to me and i waited until she had one to start opening it. I pulled the paper out of the bag and smiled seeing a cute teddy bear. "This is so cute." I said and then gasped, seeing the necklace around its neck. "Babe.." i said and she hummed, gently taking it off the bear. It's a dainty R made out of diamonds. She carefully put it on me and i leaned over, kissing her softly. "I love it." I said and she smiled. She started opening hers and i held the bear close to me. She unwrapped the small box, then opened it and furrowed her eyebrows seeing a ring box. She opened it and gasped seeing the platinum ring with an E engraved on it. I smiled. "I guess we had the same idea of initials.. but this one has room for baby initials as well." I said and she kissed me softly. "I love it." She said and took it out, putting it on her right ring finger. She smiled softly at it and grabbed another gift. I did too and she started opening hers. She smiled seeing the kindle box and I smiled. "Since you love reading so much..." I said and she nodded. "This is perfect." She said and i smiled. I started opening mine and I swallowed thickly seeing a Louis Vuitton box. I untied the ribbon and opened the box, gasping a little seeing a Neverfull and a matching wallet. "Do you like it?" She asked and i nodded happily. "I.. i love it." I said, taking it out of the box. She smiled and kissed my head. I set it on the floor beside the bed with my other stuff and we each grabbed another gift. I started opening mine and smiled seeing a Beats Solo Wireless box. "They're matte black just like you love." She said and i nodded. She smiled and started opening hers. She gasped a little and i bit my lip. She pulled out the silk pajama top and admired the embroidered "Mrs. Mills" on the pocket. I bit my lip. "I know it's a little early. But I couldn't wait to see Mrs. Mills on something. And at the time, it was dumb since I didn't even know if you wanted to marry me. But I loved them. So I got us matching pajamas.." I said and she nodded, setting it down and then she pulled me into a kiss. I smiled against her lips and pulled away after a bit. "Where are yours? Put them on now." She said and got up. I smiled as she put on the silk shorts, then the shirt and she started buttoning it. The shirt is long sleeved. I got up and got mine from my drawer before putting them on. They're burgundy. She pulled me close and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and nuzzled her nose. "I can't wait until you're officially Mrs. Mills." She said and i smiled. "Me neither." I said and we got back in bed. I grabbed my gift again and got re-settled. I started opening it and she hummed. I furrowed my eyebrows at the big blank box and opened it, my eyes widening seeing an iPhone box, an Apple Watch, several different cases and AirPods. "Regina this is..." I started but trailed off. "I got the right ones right? The gold XS max? Because I also got the Apple Watch in gold." She said and i nodded. She got the XS max the day it came out. "You need a new phone. Yours is shattered. Plus you said you loved mine. So now we match." She said and i nodded again. "Thank you. I love it." I said and she kissed my head. I set the box on my nightstand and we each grabbed another gift. I started opening mine and she watched. Once I got the paper off, I opened the box and furrowed my eyebrows seeing a travel brochure. "You and I are going on a trip. Wherever you want and whenever you want. Just the two of us. No work, school or distractions. Just you and me." She said and i smiled, leaning over to kiss her. "I would've been happy just getting this." I said and she chuckled. "It's Christmas. No way was I just going to get you one thing." She said and I chuckled. I set the brochure to the side and she started opening her gift. She smiled as she read the box and I smiled. "A sparkling wine making kit... this is amazing. We're going to have so much fun." She said and i chuckled. "Hell yeah we are." I said and she smiled. I grabbed a gift for each of us and handed her hers. She started opening it and she smiled seeing the Lumee box. "I thought this would be fun for when you wanna take a selfie of us but the lighting sucks." I said and she nodded. "I love it." She said and i smiled. I started opening mine and smiled seeing the Kate Spade box. I opened it and gasped a little as I pulled the gold bangle out and teared up a little seeing "heart of gold" is engraved on the inside. "I saw this and thought it was perfect. You have an amazing heart of gold after all." She said and i kissed her deeply. She hummed and pulled away, wiping my tears. "I love it." I said and put it on. She grabbed gifts and handed me one. I smiled and opened the heavy bag, smiling seeing several different celebrity cookbooks. "So we can cook together." She said and i smiled. "I love it." I said and she smiled. I set the bag in the floor and she started opening hers. She raised her eyebrows seeing the little blue Tiffany and co box and I smiled as she opened it. She smiled brightly and pulled the perfume out. "Did you ask my sister about this?" She asked and i chuckled, nodding. "Yeah. I overheard you talking about it." I said and she smiled. "Thank you. I love it." She said and i nodded. She grabbed the next two gifts and handed me mine before starting to open hers. She gasped. "Yes! I've been looking for a cute essential oil diffuser for our room!" She said excitedly and I giggled. "I even got your favorite scents."
I said and she smiled brightly. "You're the best." She said and set it down as I started opening mine. I smiled seeing a big box that said it was a complete bed set. In a really cute black marble pattern. "I thought you'd like these. And it comes with a fluffy duvet." She said and i nodded. "I love them." I said and she smiled. I handed her another gift and she hummed. She started opening it and i smiled as I watched. She chuckled as she saw the iridescent martini shaker set and I smiled. "So you can now properly make your martinis." I said and she nodded. She kissed my head and i smiled. "Your last present is a big one.. and it's in my closet." She said and i nodded. "Finish opening yours and we can go look." I said and she nodded. She grabbed another and started opening it. I smiled as I watched. She laughed loudly after opening the cookbook, causing me to smile brightly. "Cooking with Cannabis. This is going to be fun." She said and i nodded. "The next one is lots of fun..." i said and she chuckled, grabbing it. She unwrapped it and opened the box, then pulled out the elegant glass double bong. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow and I smiled at her. "So we can share." I said and she chuckled. "You're the cutest.." she said and i smiled. "Thank you." I said and she set it on her nightstand. "Okay. Now to yours." She said and got up. I got up and followed her. We went in her massive closet and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. And then I did. "Wait why do you have two sets of luggage?" I asked and she chuckled. "One is yours." She said and i looked at her. "You bought me a whole set of Louis Vuitton luggage?" I asked and she nodded. "And a Gucci duffle bag and backpack. All our luggage matches now." She said and I immediately leaned against her. She held me tight and I closed my eyes. "You spent way too much money on me." I said and she shook her head. "No i didn't." She said and i kissed her chest. She hummed and I smiled. "Come on. Now let's go set up all your new fun tech." She said and i chuckled, nodding a little.

An: oookay. So here we go. Part two of the Christmas chapter coming up next because as you can tell, this is long as fuck 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

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