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I stared at the ceiling. Belle moved out today because she couldn't handle living with me anymore. Apparently she's like in love with me. She doesn't know if we can stay friends. I lost one of my best friends tonight. And it hurts so much... i sniffled as I pulled my blankets up farther over me. I wiped my tears away and grabbed my phone, checking my texts again. When I saw I didn't have any new ones, I opened my texts to Regina.
How long have you been smoking pot?
I sent and didn't have to wait very long for a reply.
I started when I was fifteen. But I only did it a few times. Then I stopped after I graduated so i could get a good job. Then I started again after our.. fight. It made me feel better. And it's legal here so I don't have to worry about getting in trouble.
I chewed on my lip as I read her response. She started smoking pot again because of me?
Do you hate me?
What? Of course not.
But I hurt you.
I overreacted. I should've let you explain.
I didn't respond. After a few minutes she texted again.
Can I come over? I.. had a rough day and I'm really upset.
Of course. Why don't I come get you? You shouldn't drive if you're upset.
I'll be on my way in 5.
I didn't respond as I just laid there. I got up and put some clothes in a bag, then grabbed my school bag. She texted me right after I finished getting my stuff together and I went downstairs after putting on some vans. I found her car in the lot and went over, getting in. "You okay?" She asked and i nodded a little. She started driving after I buckled my seatbelt and I stared out the window. It's been two weeks since that day in her class.

We got to her house and went in silently. We went up to her room and i set my bags down, then took my shoes off. We got in bed and i immediately snuggled into her, wanting to cuddle. She held me close and kissed my head. "Talk to me about what happened." She said softly and i frowned. "I live in a suite with my best friends Ruby and Belle. Well belle told me she liked me a few weeks ago. And she was mad at me because I was upset over you when you 'clearly didn't care about me.' And then we talked about it a little and I told her that I loved her as my sister. She accepted it and said being friends was enough. Then today she moved out and said she didn't think we could even be friends." I said sadly. She held me close and rubbed my back. "I'm sorry Emma." She said and i shrugged against her. "It'll be okay." She said and i sighed. "But what if it's not?" I asked and she kissed my head. "Then I'll be here to help you through." She said and i nodded, falling asleep in her arms as my exhaustion caught up with me.

I woke up and snuggled more into Regina. She's warm. I sighed into her chest and she rubbed my back. "Good morning." She said softly and i smiled a little. "Good morning.." I responded and she hummed. "Can I ask you something?" I asked and she hummed again. "Anything." She said and i chewed on my lip. "I saw you at a Japanese restaurant with a blonde..." i mumbled and she nodded. "Yes I saw you too. You were with Belle?" She asked and i nodded. "Who was she?" I asked and she played in my hair. "Kathryn, my best friend." She said and i nodded. "You know I do care about you." She said and i nodded. "I know." I said softly and she kissed my head. "Can I ask you something else?" I asked and she hummed. "Anything." She said and i chewed on my lip. "Jeff told me you were upset with me, but I wasn't the main reason..." I said and she hummed. "That's not a question. But yes. I was upset because I found out that my father has cancer." She mumbled. "What? I'm.. im so sorry." I said and she sighed. "It's fine. He's alright for now." She said and i nodded. "Regina?" I asked and she hummed. "I..I really like you.." i mumbled and she kissed my head. "I like you too Swan." She said and held me close. "I want to be there for you. I want to help you when you're sad and stuff. As cheesy as that sounds." I mumbled and she pulled me closer. "That sounds amazing." She said and i smiled. "Also... could I maybe... smoke with you sometime? I... i really want to..." i mumbled and she chuckled. "Sure, beautiful."


We fell asleep sometime after that and I smiled as I woke up, but frowned when I wasn't in her arms. I sat up and looked around, not seeing her and I sighed as I got up. I grabbed my shoes and put them on, then grabbed my phone and I went downstairs. I smelled something nice and I went to the kitchen, smiling brightly seeing Regina cooking. "Good morning sleepy head." She said, not turning around and I smiled. "Good morning. I thought you left me." I said and she hummed. "Of course not baby." She said and i blushed. "I'm making breakfast." She said and i came over to her and gently moved in front of her, burying myself against her. She wrapped one arm around me, using her other to continue making whatever she was making and she kissed my head. I closed my eyes. This, being with her, felt so good... it felt like I was meant to be here. Maybe I am.

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