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"You.. want to get a tattoo for me?" She asked and i nodded. "I just.. you mean so much to me already. All my tattoos mean something to me. You.. mean so much to me. I want a tattoo for you. So that even if one day we're not together, I can still remember the feeling of your skin on mine. Of you.. filling me so completely and amazingly. Of.. of us." I mumbled and she pulled me into a deep kiss. I tangled my hand in her hair and she pulled me into her lap on the stool and it was then that I realized how fucking strong she is. And how much balance she must have. "Are you still high?" She asked and i shook my head. "No way." I said and she smiled softly. "I get a say though. Nothing stupid." She said and i chuckled. "I think I know what I want.." i mumbled. She hummed. "What?" She asked and i bit my lip. I carefully got off her lap  and went to her junk drawer, which is super fucking organized. Who's junk drawer isn't a total wreck?? Well obviously hers. I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper before going over to her and setting it in front of her. She looked at me confused. "Write your favorite nickname for me in quotes." I said and she hummed. "Why in quotes?" She asked, but did as I asked. "Just because." I said and smiled seeing she wrote "little one" with the cutest little heart beside it. I hummed and carefully put it in my pocket. "Can we go today? Or do you have a whole day planned out?" I asked and she smiled. "Let's finish eating and then we'll go. I have all the time in the world for you little one." She said and i blushed before kissing her softly.


We walked out to the car and I couldn't stop smiling. I got Reginas note tattooed on the inside of my wrist. It looks so beautiful on my skin. "So. How was your first high last night? We didn't talk about it much." She said and I hummed as we got in the car. "It was nice. You know aside from the brief time I thought I was dying." I said and she chuckled softly. "Well good. Would you do it again?" She asked and i nodded. "Hell Yeah." I said and she chuckled. She smiled and patted my thigh as she drove. "Does it hurt?" She asked and i shook my head. "No." I said and she smiled. "I'm honored you got a tattoo for me." She said and i smiled. "I'm glad you like it." I said and she chuckled. "Of course I like it little one." She said and i smiled.


I laid in Reginas bed, watching her. She hasn't woken up yet. I'm sad because it's Monday morning and that means we have class at ten. It's 8.24 am. I never want to leave our little bubble we created. I sighed and traced invisible patterns on her bare chest and she hummed in her sleep. I smiled and she started rubbing my back. "Good morning little one." She said and i smiled. "Good morning." I said and she kissed my head. "Do we have to go to class?" I asked, almost whining and she chuckled. "Well you don't. But I do. And if you don't, the professor might punish you." She said, smacking my ass and i moaned softly, blushing. "You're so sexy." She said and I hummed. "You are." I said and she kissed my head. "I want you.." i mumbled, biting my lip. "I think that can be arranged.."


When 9.30 rolled around, i laid in the middle of Reginas comfy bed, trying not to fall back asleep. "Emma, baby, come on we need to leave so we're not late. And you need to take your pill." She said and i sat up, yawning. "Sex doesn't tire you out?" I asked and she smiled softly. "Yes my love. But we only have to make it through two hours. Then we can come home and cuddle." She said and i got up, stretching. "You don't have your other classes today?" I asked and she hummed. "No baby girl. The rest of their course is online." She said and i nodded. I found my birth control in my bag and bit my lip seeing I missed Friday and Saturdays pills... shit I thought I took them. Oh well. It should be fine. I popped Sunday and Mondays pills out of the foil and into my mouth, grabbing my water and swallowing them. I need to remember to take my pills or who knows what'll happen. "Ready?" Regina asked and i put the little sleeve back in its little wallet thing and put it away. "Yes." I said and grabbed my book bag. She grabbed my hand and we left. I love being with her. And the thought of sleeping alone in my bed tonight sucks.

I looked at Regina as the rest of the class filed out and she smiled at me. When everyone else had left, she hummed. "You not leaving?" She asked and i shrugged. "If I leave, I don't get to see you." I said and she smiled softly. "Well what would you like to do?" She asked and i hummed. "I'd kinda like to get high... or have sex.. or both." I said and she chuckled. "We can have sex. But not get high. I don't want you getting addicted." She said and i nodded. Before I could say anything, her mother walked in and she looked at her. "Regina.." she said, her eyes glassy and Regina furrowed her eyebrows. Her mother glanced at me and bit her lip. "We need to talk, Regina." She said softly and looked back at her. Regina nodded a little. "Emma, will you wait in my office?" Regina asked and i got up, going into her office. I looked around a bit before sitting on her couch.

After a few minutes, Regina came into her office and started putting some things in her work bag. She had tears in her eyes. "Hey.. what happened?" I asked and she sniffled. "Um.. my.. my father died." She said and i frowned. "I'm so sorry." I said and she sighed. "It's.. it's okay. He was in a lot of pain. And I got to say goodbye and spend a little bit of time with him while he was cognizant. The past few days he was just.. there you know? They moved him to hospice a week ago and he just withered away. The last two days he was just in pain." She said and i nodded. I could tell she was more upset than she was letting on though and I got up, hugging her tight. She held onto me and kissed my head. "How'd it happen?" I asked softly and she sighed. "My brother was staying there with him. Him and Jeff were... really really close. And Jeff fell asleep briefly and then just got the feeling he needed to wake up. He woke up and.. he was just.. gone." She said and i frowned. "I'm so sorry." I said and she sighed a little. "It's okay." She mumbled and i just leaned my head on her chest.

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