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The room was filled with the sound of a baby crying and I immediately fell back against the pillows, tears on my cheeks as i panted heavily. "You did amazing Emma." Regina cooed as she kissed my head and i smiled at her, nodding a little. I watched as the nurse carefully took the small bundle out of my line of sight and Regina held my hand tight. The past two years were full of therapy, healing and a lot of love. And today we welcomed our first child into the world. Henry Daniel Mills. "He's 7 pounds, 9 ounces." I heard the doctor say and I smiled, looking at regina. She smiled softly at me. "We have a baby..." I said and she nodded. I kissed her softly and she hummed against my lips. When we pulled away, I smiled. "I love you so much." I said and she smiled. "I love you more." She said and I couldn't help but smile. I was exhausted. But i didn't care. "Alright momma, here he comes." The nurse said as she brought him over. I smiled and gently took him from her, tearing up as i held the small boy. He was so perfect. Regina sat beside me on the bed and wrapped her arm around me. "My perfect little family." She said and i smiled.

"Knock knock..." Cora said as she came in. I smiled as I looked at her. Reginas holding henry. I'm just laying here. I can't sleep. But I'm absolutely exhausted. "How are you feeling?" She asked and i hummed. "Good. Exhausted. But good." I said and she smiled, nodding. "I'm sure you are love." She said and looked at Henry. Regina smiled softly at her. "You can hold him." Regina said and Cora gently took him, tearing up as she looked at him. "My precious grandson.." she whispered and I couldn't help my smile. I loved this so much.


A few days later, and we were finally going home. I was so ready. I hate hospitals. I got in the car after being wheeled to it in a wheelchair and Regina put Henry in. He was in his carrier. I leaned against the seat and Regina got in the drivers side. I smiled at her and she grabbed my hand as she pulled away from the curb. "I love you." I said and she smiled. "I love you more." She said and i bit my lip. Henry may be the only child I actually give birth to. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. So my fertility isn't the best. And I'll struggle to get pregnant. I have a much higher miscarriage rate due to it. But Henry's our little miracle. But we've already begun looking into adoption. We want a big family. But for now, our little family of three is the perfect size.


And that's a wrap. Sorry it's short. But I'm not that sorry :)
Merry Christmas ;)

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