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I sat in the waiting room with Regina, leaning my head on her shoulder. I was tired. But I was excited for the weekend with her. It's Friday so after this, we both have all day to spend together since luckily neither of us have classes on Fridays. The doctor came out and smiled as he looked at me. "Emma Swan. Come on back." He said and i got up, looking at her when she stayed sitting. "Are you not coming back?" I asked softly and she looked at me. "Oh. I can. I'm sorry I didn't know if you wanted me to." She said and i nodded. "I do." I said and she smiled as she stood up. I grabbed her hand and we followed him back.

We left the doctors office and i held Reginas hand. I was so happy to finally have the cast off. "So what are we doing this weekend?" I asked and she hummed. "Well... i was thinking we could smoke some tonight if you're up for it. Then go from there." She said and i nodded. "I am definitely up for it." I said and she smiled. We walked to her car and she opened the passenger door for me. I got in and thanked her. She smiled and closed the door before going to the drivers side and getting in. She laid her hand on my thigh after we put our seatbelts on, then drove off.


I stared at the ceiling, my head in Reginas lap. She's playing in my hair. My brain is so quiet. "Regina?" I asked softly. "Yes little one?" She asked and i bit my lip. "Am I dying? I feel-I feel like I'm underwater and everything's kinda groggy." I mumbled and she played in my hair. "No beautiful you're not dying. You're right here with me and I'm gonna take care of you." She said and i nodded. "Regina?" I asked again, causing her to hum in response. "I'm really hungry." I said and she chuckled softly. "Mm me too. What do you wanna order?" She asked and i smiled. "Can we have sushi? And-and hibachi shrimp and fried rice? Oh and shrimp Sauce?" I asked and she hummed. "Hell yeah." She said and grabbed her phone. I listened intently as she called the place, ordering three different sampler platters of sushi and four orders of hibachi shrimp and fried rice. She hung up and i sat up, straddling her lap and i cupped her cheeks in my hands. She looked in my eyes. "Is that enough food?" I asked, concerned and she smiled, nodding. "You're really cute high..." she said and i hummed. Her voice sounded even sexier like this. "I'm horny." I said and she nodded. "Me too but the food will be here soon." She said and i nodded. "Mm food.." I said softly and she smiled. "Maybe I can have you for dessert." She said and i nodded. "Hell yeah." I said and she pecked my lips.


I woke up and squinted my eyes. My head hurts so bad. And I'm so tired. Fuck. "Mm shit." Regina mumbled beside me and i hummed. "I feel hungover." I said and she pulled me closer. "Yeah that means we smoked way too much." She said and i nodded. "Am I supposed to be so fucking tired?" I asked and she rubbed my belly. "That happens. We need to drink a lot of water today. Most times it's caused by dehydration." She said and i nodded. Then I realized we were naked. "Oh.. we had... did we have sex yesterday?" I asked, even though I remembered it. "Yes." She said softly. "Wait. We had sex and it didn't even hurt?" I asked and she chuckled. "Well we were pretty fucking high so..." she said and i nodded. "I just... that's not how I expected to lose my virginity." I said and she hummed. "Do you remember it?" She asked and i nodded a little, thinking back to it. "That's... about the only thing I remember. That and eating a whole fucking lot of Japanese food." I said and she nodded. "I think there are some leftovers." She said and I hummed. "Can we have sex again?" I asked and she kissed my head. "Right now?" She asked and i shrugged. "Maybe... I just meant.. in general. Sometime soon." I said and she kissed my shoulder. "I'd like to." She said and i nodded. "Can I ask something?" I asked and she nodded. "Anything." She said and I hummed. "You said last night you were gonna take care of me. Did you just mean while I was high? Or did you... did you mean like.." i mumbled, trailing off. She pulled me closer to her. "I meant, I am going to take care of you as long as you'll let me, little one." She said, her voice soft. I smiled and turned, burying my face in her neck. She rubbed my back softly. "Let's have sex again."

I sat on the stool in Reginas kitchen while she looked through the fridge and I checked her out. She's in tight jeans, a nice shirt and her hairs in her natural curls. She's also wearing her glasses. I'm in jeans and a hoodie. "Alright. We have one sushi sampler platter left and one plate of hibachi shrimp and fried rice. And a shit ton of shrimp sauce." She said and i nodded. "Let's share?" I asked and I could see her smile in the reflection of the freezer door. "Perfect." She said and got it out, bringing it over to set it in front of me. She kissed my hand, then grabbed two bottles of water from her fridge. She brought them over and sat down beside me. I smiled and she pecked my lips. We started eating and I couldn't help but feel so extremely happy. How did I get so lucky? "I wanna get a tattoo for you.." i mumbled out of nowhere and she turned to look at me. I bit my lip as she studied me with her eyes. Good one Emma.

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