twenty one

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We got out of the car and I groaned, pulling my blanket tighter against me. It's so soft. Her mom wanted us to wear pajamas. So we wore our matching new pajamas. But it's snowing and freezing out so I needed some more heat. Regina grabbed our bags and I grabbed my purse and camera bag. We went in and I hummed as the heat from inside hit me. I took off my shoes, leaving my socks on and Regina took hers off too. "Good morning girls." Cora said as she came out of the kitchen and I smiled at her. "Good morning." I said and she smiled softly. "Mom we're gonna take our stuff upstairs and then come back down. Tell Robyn we'll hurry." Regina said and Cora nodded. We went upstairs and Regina led me to the guest room. It's about 7 am. So later than Robyn wanted to open presents. Cora talked us into spending the night in case we drink too much. We're all staying the night. This gave Regina an excuse to talk me into using the duffle bag she got me. She set our bags down and smiled. She chuckled at me and i smiled. "You're so cute wrapped in your blanket." She said and I hummed. "I'm cold." I said and she nodded. She took my purse from me and grabbed our phones out of it, then put my camera bag over her shoulder. "Now. Let's go downstairs." She said and i nodded. We went back downstairs and to the living room. I chuckled seeing Jeff half asleep in the big recliner, a hot cup of coffee on the table beside him, and Zelena sitting in the floor with Robyn who's separating the presents. Regina set my camera bag on the coffee table before sitting on the couch. I sat beside her and leaned against her. She wrapped her arms around me and i smiled. "Grandma can I start opening them now?" Robyn asked excitedly, causing all of us to chuckle and she smiled. "Yes baby girl." Cora said and Zelena smiled as she started opening them. "Regina.. do your pajamas say Mrs. Mills?" Jeff asked and Regina hummed, kissing my head. "Yes. Emma got us matching pajamas." She said and i smiled. "Wait so did you.." Zelena started and Regina chuckled. "Yes. Yesterday Emma was upset I came over here without her and the only way I could fix it was explaining why I came Over. We were on our way home from her friends house and i pulled over and just.. proposed. It felt right. Emma must've known I was going to propose sooner or later." She said and everyone smiled. "I wanna see the ring." Cora said softly. I smiled and unwrapped myself from the blanket, getting up and holding my hand out. She held my hand as she looked at it and smiled. "Regina. It's beautiful." She said and i smiled. It really is. "Holy shit it's huge reg. How much did you spend on it?" Jeff asked and Regina chuckled. "It's not any of your business." She said and he groaned. "I'll be right back. I'm going to the restroom." I said and left the room, going to the bathroom. I think regina thought I was out of earshot because her next statement made me freeze. "I spent around 30,000 on it." She said and i closed my eyes. What the actual fuck? She spent.. you could buy a car for that! "Well it's fucking gorgeous." Zelena said and Regina chuckled. "I didn't plan on it being so much. But I started designing it. And I wanted it to be perfect." She said and i went to the bathroom. Suddenly, my hand felt way heavier. After I finished and came back, I swallowed heavily as I sat down beside her, putting the blanket over us. "You spent.. thirty thousand dollars on this ring?" I asked, quietly and she blushed. "You weren't supposed to hear that." She said and i shook my head. "Why do you spend so much on me? I'm not worth it." I said and she scoffed. "That's exactly why I do it. You're priceless Emma. Not even a thirty thousand dollar engagement ring comes close to your worth. You mean everything to me and I want you to know it. I know that money doesn't buy happiness or love and that's not what I'm trying to do. I just want to spoil you with the best things because you deserve it." She said quietly and tears rolled down my cheeks. She gently wiped them away and kissed my nose. "I love you so much." I whispered and she smiled. "I love you more." She said and i nodded, leaning my head on her shoulder as I watched Robyn open her presents. Jeff smiled at us and I couldn't help but smile. This made me so happy.


I pulled my tight dress on and Regina came over, zipping me up and i smiled. "Thank you." I said and she kissed my cheek. "Of course." She said and i smiled. "You look... extremely sexy.." i mumbled as I looked her up and down. She's wearing a white button down, a skinny black tie and fitted black pants. Then of course her amazing louboutins. She smiled and pecked my lips. "So do you. I need an excuse to get you all dolled up more often." She said and i smiled, blushing softly. She tucked a stray curl behind my ear and i leaned into her touch. "I love you.." i said quietly and she smiled, kissing my forehead. "I love you so much." She said and i smiled. "Now. Come on. Before mom comes looking for us." She said and i nodded, stepping into my heels. She grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. I held onto her hand as we made our way to the dining room. Robyn's now at her dads house. Zelena took her around lunch time. "You girls look beautiful." Zelena said and i smiled at her. She's wearing a green long sleeved dress. "So do you." I said and she smiled. "Hey now. She's mine, greenie." Regina joked and we all chuckled. Jeff came into the room and hummed. "How do I look ladies?" He asked, doing a dorky little spin and we all laughed. "Gay." I said and he gasped, holding a hand to his chest. "Perfect." He said with a smile and I giggled. He's wearing a fitted red suit. "Alright. Who's ready to eat?" Cora asked as she came into the room and we all agreed that we were starving. We all sat down around the table, a Christmas feast spread over it, and Regina held my hand. I smiled at her. I couldn't help but smile. "Alright. Jeff? Grace?" Cora asked and Jeff nodded before starting to say grace.

After eating and having amazing dessert, we all sat around drinking the spiked cider Zelena made. "So, what did you guys get each other for Christmas?" Jeff asked and i snuggled closer to Regina. We were all throughly drunk. It's almost midnight. And Cora went up to bed awhile ago. "Emma got me an edibles cookbook! And a double bong so we can smoke together. She's literally the best wife ever." She said and Zelena chuckled. "She's not your wife yet." Zelena said and I hummed. "Sadly." I joked and Regina kissed my head. "Regina got me a dildo." I lied and Jeff whistled as Zelena laughed loudly. "That's a lie. Why would I buy you a dildo? My dick is the best dick ever. No dildo can compare." Regina said and I hummed, nuzzling her neck. "Mm I know." I joked and she smirked. "Gross." Jeff said and Zelena hummed her agreement. I just smiled. This is the best Christmas ever.

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