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i walked into her classroom and took a seat. it's been about a month. i was the first one here. "good morning Em-ma." she said, saying my name the way she does and i bit my lip. "good morning." i said softly and she smiled. i looked around. "nervous about something?" she asked and i looked at her, now realizing she was staring at me. "n-no.." i stuttered and she smirked. "you could've fooled me." she said and i bit my lip. "can i ask you something?" i asked and she hummed. "of course darling." she said, her voice deep and sultry and fuck now i'm wet. "i-i... um.." i stuttered. "cat got your tongue, Em-ma?" she asked with a smirk and holy shit why is she so hot? "i uh.. why do you say my name like that?" i asked and she hummed. "is that not alright?" she asked and i hummed. "it is.." i said and she smirked. "good. i don't intend to stop." she said and i bit my lip. "yeah but.. why do you do it?" i asked and she hummed. "because. i like you, Em-ma. once you gave up that bad girl act, you became a perfect student. and you're quite adorable. i like adorable. and you, my dear, deserve a reward for your good behavior." she said with a smirk and before i could ask about it, people started coming in. i swallowed heavily and bit my lip.

I really tried being a good girl in class. Mainly because, for some fucked up reason, I craved Mills' approval. And then that asshole Killian Jones said one too many insults about me. I turned to him angrily. "Can you just shut the fuck up already?" I blurted out, not caring that she was in the middle of a lecture. "Emma Swan." She scolded but I was too focused on his dumfounded face. Which quickly changed to a douchey look of a raised eyebrow and smirk. "Why on earth would I do that, faggot?" He spit and i lunged at him, immediately landing a hard punch to his face as we both slammed to the ground and then continuing, landing punch after punch. And the only thing I could make out in the classroom was noise. Loud, encouraging noise. Then he managed to flip me off him, punching me hard across the face and then managing to swipe me a couple more times. "That is it!" Professor Mills screamed, cutting over everyone else, and we both froze. I swallowed heavily, my face burning like it had been set on fire, along with the rest of my body, and we heard angry clicking of heels coming towards us. He moved off of me and I could see him swallow heavily. "Both of you. Get the hell out of my classroom. And Mr. Jones, don't even think about coming back." She spit, her eyes dangerously dark. He floundered. "But Miss-" he started but she cut him off. "I don't want to hear it. You spew bullshit insult after bullshit insult and then dare call her such an offensive name after you get called out on it? Get out. And stay out." She angrily said and he quickly grabbed his stuff, running out. "Swan. Deans office. Now." She growled and my breathing hitched. I got up, grabbing my stuff and walking out, her trailing behind me. The only thing that scared me at this school was Dean Mills, who just so happened to be Professor Mills' mother. I stopped outside her office, but she opened the door and stepped in, so I stepped in after her. "Mother. Keep an eye on her. I'll be back after class." She spit and left, slamming the door behind her, causing the glass windows to shake. I swallowed heavily as the older brunette stared at me. "Have a seat Miss Swan." She said and my breathing hitched before I did as told. She stood up and went to the fridge on the back wall, grabbing two ice packs. She grabbed a first aid kit and then came over to stand in front of me. She set the ice packs down, then opened the first aid kit. She cleaned my bleeding face, then put some butterfly strips on part of it. She then handed me the first ice pack. "Put this on it." She said and i did as she told, the ice immediately soothing my burning cheek. She then cleaned the blood off my hand and sighed. "You'll want to go have that checked out as soon as you can." She said and gently put the ice pack on it. I nodded a little, knowing I couldn't afford to go to the doctor. Well I could. But I have better things to use my money on. It would heal on its own. "Why-why are you being so nice to me?" I asked and she hummed. "Before anything else, I am a mother." She said, like that's all the explanation I needed. And in a way.. it is. She put the first aid kit away and then sat back down behind her desk. In this moment, I don't know why I was so scared of her.

After about 45 minutes, Professor Mills came in. "Thank you mother. I hope she didn't give you too much trouble." She said and the dean chuckled. "Regina she just sat there." She said and Professor Mills, Regina, rolled her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me young lady." The older brunette said and i bit my lip, seeing Regina raise an eyebrow at her mother. "Swan. Get back to the classroom." Regina said and I immediately left, not wanting to hear what she was going to say to her mother. I sat down in the classroom and Regina came in, not too long after I sat down. She looked at me and sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Are you hurt?" She asked and i hummed. "Obviously." I mumbled. "Let me see." She said and i moved the ice packs away. She frowned and sighed. "Come on. You need stitches on your cheek for sure and your hand looks bad." She said and i shook my head. "I'll be-" "Emma. Don't worry about payment. I'll take care of it. You need to have this looked at." She said and my breathing hitched. "I don't need your-" she cut me off, pressing a finger to my lips. I blushed deeply. "I know it's hard to accept help. But I'm not going to let you just stay hurt. Okay?" She said and i teared up a little. Fuck why am I showing her emotions? She wiped a tear from my uninjured cheek and i sniffled a little. "Come on. Your face looks like it's getting worse." She said and I stood up. I'd have to find a way to pay her back.

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