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I woke up in Reginas arms and yawned. "Good morning." She said and I hummed. "Good morning." I said softly. She played in my hair. "I.. i don't know what to do. I feel miserable all the time. I want to die." I said softly, feeling numb. She held me tighter and kissed my head. "We're going to get you help my love. Okay?" She said and i nodded a little. "Are you going to leave me again?" I asked softly and she kissed my head again. "No. I'm never leaving you again Emma. I want you to move in. I want you forever." She said and i nodded. "It's winter break. Why don't we go move you out of your dorm?" She asked and i nodded again. Yesterday was the last day of classes before winter break. It's Tuesday, December 19th. We're off classes until January 22nd. Then the new semester starts the 23rd. So I never have to see Fiona again. We got up and got dressed. I put my hair up, looking at my bruises in the mirror. Regina came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me. I leaned into her and she leaned her chin on my shoulder. "I love you." I said softly and she kissed the crook of my neck. "I love you, beautiful. So much." She said and i smiled a little.


We carried the last few boxes down to her car and she hummed. "Alright. You're all moved out." She said softly and i smiled, nodding. Ruby walked over and frowned. "I can't believe you're moving out. We've been roommates since freshman year." She said and i nodded. "I know. But we'll hang out all the time." I said softly and she nodded. She hugged me and I hugged her back tight, closing my eyes. Ruby helped me through a lot. My freshman year was... hard. "I love you kid. I'm always here if you need me." She said and i nodded. "I love you too Rubes." I said and we pulled away. She smiled and looked at regina. "You take care of her. I know you're a professor. But if you hurt Emma ever again, I will make you-" "I won't ever hurt her again. But if I do, I will gladly take any punishment you see fit. Hurting Emma is the worst thing imaginable." She said and i blushed. Ruby smiled and nodded. "Alright love birds. Get out of here." She said, causing both of us to chuckle. We said goodbye again before getting in and i put my seatbelt on, smiling as Regina laid her hand on my thigh and I laid mine on hers. "We also need to get you a new car." She said and i nodded a little. The wreck totaled my car. And I didn't get a new one. Partly because I didn't want to spend the money when I could just walk most places. Partly because I have a little anxiety about driving again. But I'll get over it.

"Well I think you're all moved in." She said softly and i nodded as we both sat on the edge of the bed. "And it's only midnight. Nice." I said and she chuckled. "Why don't we take a bubble bath to relax?" She asked and i nodded. We got up and both undressed. She went to her en-suite and i followed her. She started the water and i watched. This is my life now... living here, in this giant mansion, with the love of my life... it doesn't seem real. Growing up, I never thought I would end up anywhere near here. I honestly didn't even think I'd make it out of high school. And now... now I have the love of my life, a family, great friends... i smiled softly at the thought and Regina turned the water off, looking at me. "What's that beautiful smile for?" She asked and i smiled at her. "Just happy I stuck around..." i said and she smiled. "Me too." She said and kissed me softly. When we pulled away, we got in her giant bathtub and i leaned against her. She wrapped her arms around me and i snuggled into her. "I don't want to ruin the moment. But my mother has a meeting with Dr. Black tomorrow. And she's getting arrested." She said and i furrowed my eyebrows. "Really? Just like that?" I asked and she nodded. "The tapes were enough proof. And a younger girl came forward. Apparently she raped her in her classroom too. She told my mother the day and she found the tapes. She's only 17. Who knows how many girls she's done this to. But.. it's not going to happen again. She's going to jail for a long long time." She said and i nodded. "I don't have to testify or anything?" I asked and she shook her head. "Only if she tries to deny it. But with solid proof... she's not getting out of it." She said and i nodded. I closed my eyes. "Why me?" I asked softly and she sighed, gently rubbing my belly. "You were hurt. And vulnerable. And she took advantage of that." She said and i nodded. Never again. No one can ever see me vulnerable again. Regina kissed my head softly and i smiled a little. Okay maybe Regina can.


I watched the news in the living room while Regina made dinner. "Earlier this morning, a local college professor was arrested for raping multiple female students. After the arrest went public, at least seven other girls came forward with their own stories against her. Dr. Fiona Black is scheduled for trial on December 22nd and several of the girls will appear in court to testify against her." The news anchor said and i looked at the mugshot on screen. I clinched my jaw. She had this stupid fucking smirk on her face. "What a fucking bitch." I mumbled and Regina hummed. "I have several other names I'd like to call her. I hope she rots in jail." She said as she sat down beside me. I nodded and leaned against her. "Me too." I said softly. I have to testify in court. Well I don't have to. But I'm choosing to. The more cases, the longer the sentence. And she deserves to rot. Regina kissed my head. "I'm proud of you for testifying." She said and I hummed. "Me too honestly. I thought I could never face her again. But... this. I want to see her suffer the consequences." I said and she nodded. "I'd rather strangle her with my bare hands. But I guess I'll settle for her going to jail." She said and i nodded. "I agree." I said softly and she kissed my head again. "Dinners in the oven. Why don't we change the channel? I think Friends is on." She said and i nodded, smiling a little. I grabbed the remote and handed it to her.

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