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I laid in bed with Regina, snuggling close to her and she hummed. It's almost two am and we just came up to bed. It was fun getting to hang out with her family. I haven't had a family since my parents died. And before then I didn't really. My parents didn't really love me. And I never had a good foster family. But now... with them... it feels like I have a family again. "So tomorrow we'll have breakfast. Then we all hang out while mom cooks." She said and i nodded. "Sounds good to me." I said and she hummed. "Then... my best friend wants to meet for lunch.." she said and I hummed. "Okay love." I said and she hummed a little. "But... she's my ex." She said and my breathing hitched. "Wait.. the best friend you were at the Japanese place with? The pretty blonde?" I asked and she hummed. "Yes.." she said softly. I chewed on my lip. "Okay." I said and she kissed my head. "I told her the Japanese place at noon tomorrow. I know you love sushi." She said and i nodded. It'll be okay. She is her ex.. it'll be fine. "I love you, little one. I don't care about her as anything but a friend now. Okay?" She asked and i nodded. "I love you too." I said softly and she lifted my chin up, kissing me softly. I hummed and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her deeper as she gently rolled on top of me. We pulled away panting and she hummed. "We have to be quiet okay?" She asked and i nodded. "Okay." I said softly and she leaned down, kissing me again.


I woke up to regina kissing all over my neck. I hummed and smiled at her. "Mm good morning." I said softly and she kissed to my ear. "Good morning. We have about an hour before we need to go down for breakfast. Would you like to have some... morning fun?" She asked and i smiled. "Hell yes." I said and she kissed all over my neck and chest, causing me to moan softly.

Regina flopped on the bed beside me and we both panted hard. "Fuck that was..." I mumbled, trailing off. "The best sex ever." She said and i chuckled softly. "Yes. Yes it was. Although, all sex with you is the best sex ever." I said and she hummed. "I feel the same baby girl." She said and i smiled. "Better than your ex?" I asked and she hummed. "Way better. A million times better." She said and i smirked. "Can I tell her that at lunch?" I said and she chuckled. "We'll see how it goes." She said and i nodded. I hummed. "When do we need to go downstairs.." I said and she smiled. "About now... so let's get up and get dressed." She said and i nodded. "I'd rather stay in bed naked all day. But okay." I said and she chuckled. "Me too. But come on." She said and i nodded.

After taking a fast shower and getting dressed, we went downstairs. "Emmy!" Robyn shouted and ran over to me, jumping into my arms. I giggled and held her. "Good morning kiddo." I said and she smiled. "Good morning princess Emmy." She said and i smiled. "Good morning princess Robyn." I said and she giggled. "So. You two just couldn't resist huh?" Jeff asked and i looked at him. "What?" Regina asked and he chuckled. "I think everyone heard you two last night and this morning." He said and my breathing hitched. I handed Robyn to Regina before hurrying out of the room. That is the most embarrassing thing ever. I went to the bathroom and locked myself in, feeling tears stinging my eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair and closed my eyes. After a bit, there was a knock on the door. "Emma? Darling?" Regina asked softly and i quickly wiped my eyes and sniffled before pulling the door open. She stepped in and closed the door after her. She wiped my tears and i sniffled again. "Why are you crying my love?" She asked softly and i sighed. "I don't know. I-I Just got really embarrassed and upset. I'm sorry." I said and she frowned. "My beautiful love, you do not need to apologize. It's okay. Your feelings are valid. You're allowed to feel things." She said and i nodded again. She kissed my forehead and i sniffled. "You turned me soft." I mumbled and she chuckled. "Sure. Blame it on me." She said and i smiled. "Its true." I said and she chuckled as she kissed me softly. We pulled away after awhile, and she smiled. "You turned me soft too. I used to be a big bitch." She said and I chuckled. "I know. I remember our first day in class." I said and she smacked my ass, causing me to giggle. "You're the worst." She said and I hummed. "You are." I said and she smiled. "Come on. Im hungry from our activities." She said and I giggled. "Me too." I said and she smiled before we left the bathroom. We walked into the dining room and i saw cora sitting beside Jeff and Zelena was on the other side of her. I chewed on my lip as i sat across from cora, sitting beside Robyn. Regina sat on the other side of me, across from Jeff and cora smiled at us. "Jeff, will you say grace?" Cora asked softly and he nodded.


I chewed on my lip nervously as we sat at the restaurant, waiting for her ex to arrive. Why did she want to meet me? I had a bad feeling about this. Regina laid her hand on my thigh and I smiled at her, laying my hand over hers.

After ordering drinks and an appetizer, Kathryn finally showed up. "Oh Gina. I'm sorry. I got stuck in traffic. It's so nice to see you love." She said and kissed Reginas cheek as they hugged. I watched jealously as they sat down and Regina grabbed my hand under the table. "This must be.. Emily was it?" She asked, giving me a fake smile. I gave one back. "It's Emma." I said and she shrugged. "Whatever. So gina, how's the family? How's Robyn?" She asked and i squeezed Reginas hand annoyed. She squeezed mine back. "They're great. Robyn calls Em 'Princess Emma'. It's adorable." Regina said and looked at me lovingly. Kat looked jealous. "Everyone loves her. So much." She said with a smile and i smiled softly. "Well. Isn't that great." Kat said bitterly. This is going to be fun.

"Regina, don't you miss how-" "no, Kathryn. She doesn't. She doesn't-" I started, cutting her off but Regina cut me off. "Kat, I agreed to see you for lunch because I wanted you to see how happy we are. You and I weren't. We didn't work. We're over. I want to be friends because you are my best friend. But. I love Emma. Everything about her. You and I were not a good match." Regina said, now as annoyed as I was and Kathryn scoffed. "Whatever. You know I was better than her at sex at least. What is she, eighteen? No way she's giving you anything good." She said and i smirked. "Actually, she told me I was the best she's ever had and that she's never cum harder." I said and Kathryn got up, storming out. "I'm sorry I just had-" I was cut off by her kissing me deeply and I smiled against her lips before pulling away. "What was that for?" I asked and she smiled. "For putting up with her horrible attitude and not getting upset. I'm going to marry you one day." She said and i chuckled. "Duh. Cause I'm the best sex you've ever had." I said and smiled. She chuckled and hummed. "Well now at least we can have a nice lunch and not have to wait on her to decide what she wants again." She said and i smiled, nodding. "Yes we can." I said and she pecked my lips.

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