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I sat in the waiting room, waiting to get my x-rays, Regina beside me and I just looked around. I hated hospitals and doctors offices. But at least I'm not here alone. She hummed. "Are you feeling okay?" She asked and i sighed. "I mean.. it hurts." I mumbled. She sighed. "I know. I'm sorry." She said and i shrugged. "Emma Swan?" A small nurse asked. I got up and followed her back.

I came back to the waiting room after about an hour and I found Regina. She stood up quickly and frowned looking at my cheek. "He broke my cheekbone. I didn't even know that was possible." I mumbled and she frowned. "The stitches look painful." She said and i shook my head. "The cast hurts worse." I said and she looked at my hand, frowning. "It's broken too?" She asked and i nodded. "I'm sorry Emma." She said and i shrugged. "Can I go home now?" I asked and she shrugged. "Or you can come to my house." She said and i blushed a little. "I-" "no. I know you're going to come up with an excuse. You're coming to my house so I can take care of you."


I sat on Regina's big fluffy sectional in her living room and i looked around. Her living room is huge. But still, somehow, extremely homey. It's nice. She called my name and I got up and went to the kitchen, furrowing my eyebrows a little seeing the table set. Was she having someone over? "Dinners ready." She said and my breathing hitched. "You cooked? For me?" I asked and she nodded. "Of course." She said and i blushed. She smiled and sat down, so I did the same. It was nice sitting here with someone over a home cooked meal...

"So.. you've been quiet all through dinner. What's going through that pretty blonde head of yours?" She asked and i blushed. "I-I just.. no ones cooked for me in so long.." i mumbled and felt myself tearing up. "Hey... it's okay. I'll cook for you anytime you'd like." She said and a tear rolled down my cheek. I leaned over and kissed her deeply. She gasped into it a little and i pulled away realizing she wasn't kissing me back. She looked at me and more tears rolled down my cheeks. "Why'd you pull away?" She asked and i frowned. "Y-you weren't kissing me back." I said and she chuckled. "Sweety, you were only kissing me for like two seconds." She said softly and i blushed. "Kiss me again." She said and i immediately leaned in, kissing her again. She cupped my cheeks and kissed me back immediately this time. I hummed and used my non broken hand to squeeze one of her hips. We pulled away after awhile and i smiled a little. She smiled brightly and i blushed. She's so beautiful... "how about dessert?"


I sat in her class, taking notes. It's been about two weeks since I was at her house after the fight. It's been different. She's different. Almost... distant. I don't like it. I really like her, as stupid as that is. I couldn't focus anymore so i just started doodling. All of a sudden, a hand slammed down on my desk, causing me to jump, and i looked up at an angry Professor Mills. I swallowed heavily as I realized the class had fallen silent. "Swan. I tried to get your attention several times. If you are going to tune me out all class, get out." She said angrily. And for some reason, it really upset me. So I packed my things quickly and rushed past her. I ignored the tears in my eyes as I went to my car. I got in and put my stuff in the passenger seat, ignoring the slight pain in my hand. I haven't been taking the pain meds the doctor prescribed me because I don't like taking medicine. I ran my fingers through my hair as I stared at the stupid cast on my other arm. I wiped my eyes before starting to drive to the building my suite is in. I parked when I got there and got out with my stuff, going in immediately. I went to my floor and saw one of my roommates, Belle, was leaving so I didn't have to fish out my key. I shut the door after I was in and walked through the main room, to my room. I immediately set my stuff down, then flopped on my bed. Stupid Regina Mills. Before her I would've never gotten emotional over getting yelled at. I pulled the blankets up over me and fell asleep quickly.

I woke up to the loud, and annoying, sound of my phone. I answered it without checking to see who it was. "What?!" I said angrily, being met with the clearing of someone's throat. "I'm sorry Emma, did I catch you at a bad time?" "Yes. I was asleep. Can I go now? Or would you like to yell at me some more, Professor." "I was actually calling to apologize.. I had a rough few classes and I took it out on you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." "I.. um.. I didn't expect you to apologize. But.. uh.. thanks?" "Of course." I sat there silently for a few beats, not knowing if I could hang up or not. "How are you feeling?" "Uh... hand wise? I'm in some pain. It's bearable. But still there." "And otherwise?" "Um.. not the best. I've.. been kind of emotional lately and I don't really know why..." I said, trailing off. Why the hell did you tell her that? Stupid Emma, stupid! "Would you like to talk about it?" "No it's.. a lot and I don't want to bother you." "It's not a bother. Why don't I come get you? And we can have dinner and talk?" "I don't.. um.. I don't want to bother you..." "Emma." "I.. okay." "Great. I'll be there in ten minutes." She said and hung up. I sighed and started getting ready. Fuck.
An: short, sorry. But I'm working on the next chapter as soon as this is up. Stay tuned for the "date" ;)

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