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I drove down the highway, on my way back to school. I had to go out of town to do some shopping. And now I'm on my way back. My mind is pretty much everywhere except for on school. Reginas been kinda distant lately. But i understand. It's been a week since her dads funeral. I went with her. That's how her mom "found out" we were dating. Even though she says she already knew. I ran my fingers through my hair and noticed this guy swerving into my lane. I started honking my horn, but that didn't seem to do anything. And next thing I knew, he was pushing me off the road. I honked my horn more and tried steering back onto the road. Before I could stop myself, I had over-corrected and my car was spinning out of control. And then it started flipping. Oh fuck. This is it. This is how I'm gonna die. I relaxed against my seat and closed my eyes, but then the underside of my car slammed into something, then stopped. I felt pain all over my body as I realized my car is leaning against something, but it's on the passenger side. So if I unhook my seatbelt... I fall into the glass of the shattered sunroof and window. Fuck. Okay. Put the car in park. Turn it off. Yes. Okay. I put my car in park before turning it off and i took a few deep breaths. I shifted my legs so they were on the passenger door and I managed to carefully climb out of the sunroof, falling to the grass of the hill. I noticed tears on my cheeks and heard someone yelling. I looked up and saw some guy. "Hey! Holy shit! Are you okay?" He shouted and I crawled up the hill. He grabbed me by my arms and helped me up onto the shoulder of the road and it was then that I looked back at my car. Holy shit. It's so smashed. I... fuck. How am I not dead? "Hey. I called 911. Do you need to call anyone?" He asked and i nodded. He handed me his phone and i wracked my brain for Reginas number. I took a deep breath as I managed to put it in with my shaking hands and I called. Please pick up. Please pick up. "Hello?" "R-regina?" "Emma? Where are you?" "I-I got in a car accident. I-I need you to come here." "Holy shit Emma. Okay where do I need to come? Fuck why couldn't you have let me come with you!" I closed my eyes as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "D-don't yell at me. Please. I-I'm at the exit you take to get to the school." "I'm sorry baby. I'm on my way." "O-okay." I said and hung up, wiping my tears. "Are you okay?" He asked and i shook my head. "No. Everything hurts." I mumbled and he nodded. "There's an ambulance on the way." He said and i nodded. "The guy who hit you stopped a little but then sped off. I got the make and model of his car and his license plate. So he's not going to get far. I told the cops it was a hit and run." He said and i nodded. "Here. Put this around you." He said and handed me a blanket. I thanked him and wrapped it around myself tightly. I sat down and leaned against the guardrail. We were standing behind his car. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes.

After awhile, someone shouted my name and when I opened my eyes, I saw regina running over to me. She's in a hoodie and sweatpants. "Emma baby." She cried and fell down beside me, pulling me against her chest. I immediately started sobbing. "I thought I was dying. I thought- I thought I was never going to see you again!" I sobbed and she held me tight, kissing my head. "Shh. Calm down little one. I've got you." She whispered and held me tighter. Then... everything slipped away and all I saw was black.

When I woke up, I squinted at the fluorescent lighting of the emergency room. "Hey." Regina said softly and i looked at her. "I... i thought I was going to die before I got to tell you I love you." I said and she blushed. I noticed the tears on her face and she caressed my cheek. "Well you didn't die. And you're going to be here to scare me for a long long time." She said and i nodded. "H-how did I not die? I should've died." I said and she nodded, sniffling. "You should've. But you.. luckily, you did not. You are still here and you're still here with me." She said and i nodded. "I.. i love you regina. I'm sorry if it's too soon I just.. can't go any longer without telling you." I said and she smiled sadly. "I love you too little one. Way more than I ever anticipated." She said and i smiled. "So um.. what happened? Am I like.. seriously injured or.." i mumbled and she shook her head. "Just some bad cuts that needed stitches and some bruises. No broken bones or anything. Whiplash obviously and a gnarly cut on your neck and chest from your seatbelt. But that's it. You.. you're my little miracle." She said and i chuckled a little. I sighed a little. "I wanna go home. But I have so much I have to do." I mumbled and she frowned a little. "Well. It's about one am. So you're going to go home with me and then we'll do whatever you need tomorrow. But you're not leaving my sight." She said and i nodded. "Good. That's what I wanted.. that's.. that's the home I meant." I mumbled and she smiled brightly. "Good." She said and i nodded. She smiled and ran her fingers through my hair. "The doctor should be coming back in a few. Then we should get to leave." She said and i nodded.

After the doctor came in, he said I was free to go. So we left. I leaned against the back of the passenger seat of her car and carefully put my seatbelt on. My neck and chest hurt really bad but there's a giant stitched up cut there so. I didn't know a seatbelt could hurt someone that bad. "You okay?" She asked and i nodded. She reached over and grabbed my hand and I hummed. She squeezed my hand and I smiled. I'm glad she came to get me.

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