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Six o'clock pm on the dot. My phone went off and i swallowed thickly as I grabbed it, opening the text.
I'm in the lot. You know my car.
I put my phone in my back pocket and looked at myself in the mirror. Black, ripped skinny jeans. An oversized ombré blue sweater. Black vans. Hair in a messy bun. Fuck. Why did I think this was attractive? I quickly pulled off the sweater and pulled a plain grey thermal shirt on, pulling my one sleeve up over my cast. I nodded and fixed my crooked nose ring before grabbing my small bag. It had my keys, wallet and other essentials in it. I left my room, leaving a sticky note of where I was going on my door (well sort of), and I left the dorm. I went downstairs and left the building, finding her car in the lot. I walked over and pulled the passenger door open, then climbed in. "Good evening.." she said softly, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. "Good evening." I said and she hummed. "Seatbelt." She said and i put my seatbelt on. She didn't say anything else as she pulled out of the parking lot and drove off campus. I looked out the window at the trees, biting my lip at the turning leaves. Autumn is my favorite time of year, even though it's pretty chilly here year round. I like autumn for the scenery. Winter just depresses me. All the plants are dead, it's colder than fuck, people are annoying, and snow. It's everywhere. I do like the Christmas season though... what the fuck are you doing Swan?! You're in your super hot professors car and you're thinking about seasons?! "You okay over there?" She asked and i blushed, nodding. "Yeah.." i mumbled. "You're awfully quiet." She said and i hummed. "Yeah i was internally scolding myself." I admitted, then blushed deeply. Why would you say that out loud?! "Scolding yourself over what?" She asked, causing me to blush more. "Because I'm here in your car and I'm sitting here silent, thinking of the fucking seasons." I mumbled and she chuckled softly. "That's adorable." She said and i shook my head. "It's embarrassing." I said and she hummed. "No it's not. It's very cute." She said and i blushed. "What were you thinking about the seasons?" She asked, causing me to sit up in the seat a little more. "I was thinking how autumn is my favorite season for the scenery. And then I was thinking about how winter depresses me." I said softly. "Why does winter depress you?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the road. "Because. All the plants are dead, it's way colder than normal, people get super annoying in the winter and there's always snow everywhere." I said and she chuckled. "That's a good viewpoint." She said and i smiled. "But I do like Christmas." I said and she smiled softly. "What are your thoughts of spring?" She asked and i hummed. "It's weird. The plants and stuff are all trying to come back and people are only slightly less annoying." I said and she nodded. "And summer?" She asked and I bit my lip. "I don't know. Summers not bad. It's close to Autumn. I get a break from school." I said and she nodded. "Another good viewpoint." She said and i nodded. "I think winters my favorite season because it's socially acceptable to stay in with a fire, hot drinks, movies, blankets and the person you love." She said and i smiled brightly. "I think that's acceptable year round." I said softly. "Good."


I snuggled more into the blankets as Regina got up to get more drinks. We had shrimp Alfredo for dinner and then we decided to watch movies and cuddle under blankets. "So what movie is next?" She asked as she came back in the room. I shrugged. "Let's watch your favorite movie." I said and she nodded. "Okay." She said, smiling softly. She set our drinks down on the coffee table in front of the couch before sitting down. She grabbed the remote and put a new movie on. I smiled seeing it was Carol. "This is my favorite. I pretty much love everything Cate Blanchett is in." She said and i nodded. "Cate Blanchett is the best." I said and she smiled.


I woke up and yawned, then looked around a bit. I smiled seeing Regina still asleep. Apparently we fell asleep during the movie. I gently shook her knee, trying to wake her up. "Mm go back to sleep." She said and i chuckled. "Wouldn't you much rather sleep in your bed?" I asked and she opened her eyes. I smiled softly at her. "Come on. Let's go up to bed." I said and she nodded. She got up and I did too. "You can borrow clothes to sleep in." She said as we walked upstairs. I nodded and she grabbed my hand, gently pulling me closer and I smiled. She led me to her room and I looked around a bit. She closed the door behind us and let go of my hand, going over to her dresser. "What would you like to sleep in?" She asked and i shrugged. "Anything." I said and she nodded a little. "What do you normally sleep in?" She asked and i hummed. "Like a baggy shirt.." i said softly and she nodded. She grabbed a shirt and turned around, handing it to me with a smile. I smiled back and took it from her. She grabbed her pajamas, sweatpants and a tank top, then went to the bathroom. I quickly changed into the shirt and folded my clothes up as I waited for her. She came back after a few minutes and i smiled at her. "There's something we need to talk about.. and I should've told you sooner. But I.. I could never find the right time." She said and i nodded. She looks nervous. "I um.. I'm intersexual. Which means I have a male reproductive system instead of female. And I understand if you don't want to see me anymore after this."
An- another cliffhanger. I'd say sorry but am I ? More coming soon

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