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I stared at the big White House and I chewed on my lip. "Come on babe. You already know Jeff and my mom. You just gotta meet Z and Robyn." She said and i nodded. We got out, getting our things from the trunk and then we went to the door. I swallowed heavily as Regina opened the door for me. "Hello! The party's here!" She called out and I immediately heard little feet, followed by big feet, running towards us. A little girl with red curly hair jumped into her arms and Regina smiled brightly as she caught her, then Jeff ran in after her. "Gina!" They both shouted at the same time. She chuckled as the little girl, Robyn I assume, grabbed her cheeks much like I did when high. "Jeffy told me you were bringing a princess." She said, causing Regina to glance at Jeff who was smiling. Before anybody could say or do anything, she wiggled out of Reginas arms and came over to me, holding her arms up so I'd pick her up. I picked her up, moving her so she was resting on my hip and she smiled at me. "You're the princess jeffy was talking bout?" She asked and i blushed. "Yes she is." Regina said softly and i blushed more. "You pretty." She said and snuggled into my side. I smiled softly and rubbed her back. "Thank you little one. I think you're pretty too." I said and Regina smiled as I used the affectionate nickname for her niece. "Come on. Mom and Z are in the living room." Jeff said. Regina nodded softly. "Robbie, why don't you and Jeffy go to the living room. Emma and I will meet you in there." Regina said and she nodded before wiggling out of my arms and running off with Jeff. I smiled softly and looked at her. She pulled me into a kiss and I hummed, wrapping my arms around her neck. We pulled away when we needed air and she smiled. "Still nervous?" She asked and i shook my head. "Good. Now lets go put our things up. Then you'll meet Z." She said and i nodded. We went upstairs and i followed her to a room. We went in and i smiled at the beautifully decorated bedroom. Regina took my stuff from me and set it with hers by the closet. She then pulled me into another kiss and I smiled against her lips.

After a nice makeout session, we went downstairs. She held my hand as we went to the living room. "We were wondering where you two ran off to." A redhead with a British accent said. I guess that's Zelena. "Boom. Emma has a hickey on her neck. I called it." Jeff said and I gasped, moving my hand to my neck. Regina blushed softly. "I... excuse me." I said and rushed off to the bathroom. I locked myself in, looking at the deep bruise on my pulse point. Fuck. "Seriously? Did you really have to embarrass her like that?" I heard regina ask. "I mean, you didn't have to fuck as soon as you got here." I heard Jeff say, followed by a loud smack. "Hey." He whined and I closed my eyes. "We didn't fuck. We just kissed. Please. I have some self control." Regina defended and he chuckled. "Whatever Reggie. None of us are judging. We like Emma." He said and i looked at myself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. I went back to the living room and Regina looked at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it left a mark." Regina said softly, coming over to talk to me and i shook my head. "It's okay." I said softly and she bit her lip. "So Emma. How long have you been banging our sister?" Zelena asked and Jeff laughed. I blushed deeply and looked at her. "Well we've only been banging for a short time. But we've been together a few months." I said and Regina snorted a laugh as Jeff looked at me shocked. "Okay okay can we not talk about banging? Please?" Cora asked and i blushed. "Sorry mom." They all mumbled and i nodded. "Sorry Mrs. Mills." I said and she smiled at me. "Come. Let's sit."


After a few hours of talking and laughing together, Cora went to get dinner. "So Emma. Are there any other teachers you think are hot?" Jeff asked and i blushed. "Ooh yeah. Any good ones?" Zelena asked and i swallowed thickly. "Yes Emma. Are there any?" Regina asked and i bit my lip, trying to decide how to play my cards here. "Well... I do think Professor Day and Professor Goode are quite beautiful." I said and Jeff smiled. "Yeah they're gorgeous." Zelena said and Regina smiled at me. "Emma just likes them cause they're gay." She said and i smiled as I shrugged. "Maybe." I said and she chuckled. I snuggled closer to her and she kissed my head. "You two are sickeningly cute." Zelena said and i smiled. "Yeah I wanna barf." Jeff said and Regina smirked. "You're just mad you're not getting any." She said, causing Zelena to chuckle. Robyn came in, sleepily rubbing her eyes and she climbed into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and Zelena and Jeff watched, shocked. She fell asleep in my arms and I smiled down at her. "Holy shit she chose Emma over Regina." Zelena said and i looked up, confused. "What?" I asked softly and Jeff smiled. "Reginas Robyn's favorite. And now... well it seems you're her favorite." Jeff said and i looked at Regina. She smiled softly at me. "That's okay. I don't mind sharing my favorite with my first favorite." She said and Jeff hummed. "That didn't make sense." He said and i bit my lip. "It made perfect sense to me."

An: okay so a little Misty/Cordelia thrown in :) also, this is just part one of thanksgiving so prepare. My classes are canceled due to a hurricane so I'll have some more time to write. Thanks for being patient with me guys!

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