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An: lots of car talk in this one. So sorry if you're not into that 😂

I sat in the court room, sitting beside Reginas lawyer. Regina and her mother are sitting in the audience behind me, along with several other girls she assaulted. I was nervous. I don't know why. But I am. My hands are sweating. A bailiff walked out of a door behind the bench as a cop brought Dr. Black in. She's handcuffed and in an orange jumpsuit. I swallowed heavily as she smirked at me. "All rise for Judge Rivers." The bailiff said and everyone stood up as she walked in. She motioned for us to sit and we sat down. Here we go.

"Will the defendant rise?" The judge asked after the jury came back in from making their decision. She stood with her lawyer, looking smug as ever and the judge looked at the head juror. "Has the jury come to a decision?" She asked and he nodded. "Yes, your honor. The jury finds Dr. Black guilty on all counts." He said and her face fell. The judge nodded and looked at her. "Dr. Black, you'll be facing 78 years to life for the violent rape of at least seven women and statutory rape against one woman. Court is dismissed." She said, smacking her gavel down. Dr. Black started trying to fight but the bailiff and police officer took her out of the room. I swallowed thickly and the lawyer looked at me. "You okay? You did great up there." He said and i nodded a little. "Thank you." I said softly and he nodded. We got up and I turned to see regina looking at me worriedly. We left the courtroom and her and her mother met us outside. She immediately rushed over and hugged me tight. I buried my face in her chest and she kissed my head. "I'm so proud of you my love." She said softly. I sniffled and hummed. "Thanks." I mumbled. She kissed my head again before pulling away. "Why don't we go get your new car? So you can have a little pick me up." She said and i smiled, nodding. "Mom, do you mind taking us to the dealership since you brought us here?" She asked and her mom shook her head. "Of course not. Want my help?" Cora asked and i smiled. "Sure." I said and she smiled. "Come on. Let's get going." She said and we walked to the door.

We sat in the showroom, waiting for a dealer to come help us. "Okay so, what kind of car are you looking for?" Regina asked softly and i shrugged. "I dunno. Something I can afford. So not a Tesla like yours." I said and she chuckled. "It's the model x. The safest suv on the road. It's a family car." She said and i looked at her. She smiled softly at me. I smiled back. "Well as safe as it may be, I can't afford one." I said and she hummed. "If you want a Tesla, I'll get you a Tesla." She said and i blushed, shrugging. "We'll see. But I wanna test my options first." I said and she nodded. "I love my Continental." Cora said, referring to her Bentley Continental GT. I chuckled softly. "I definitely can't afford a Bentley." I said and Regina hummed. "If you want a-" "baby... I love you. But you're not going to buy me the most expensive car okay?" I said and she shrugged. "Reg, I want to help out at least a little." I said and she smiled softly. "Babe... we live together now. We're in this together now. We're in everything together now." She said and i blushed. "Everything?" I asked softly and she nodded. "Everything." She said and i leaned in, kissing her softly. I pulled away after a bit. "I love you." I said softly and she smiled, nuzzling my nose. "I love you." She said and i smiled brightly. "Hello ladies, what can i do for you today?" A kind voice asked and i looked at the short man standing in front of us. Regina started to talk but I interrupted her. "We're looking for a nice family car." I said and he smiled, nodding. "Let's get to looking hm?" He asked and i nodded. We all stood up and began following him out to the lot. Regina pulled me back so we weren't directly behind him and Cora. "A family car?" She asked softly and i smiled, squeezing her hand. "Yes. We will have a family of our own sooner or later. You already have a family car. My turn." I said and she smiled brightly. "You're getting the best then." She said and i chuckled. "Whatever you say." I said and she smiled.

"What about a G-Class?" Regina asked and the dealer cut me off before I could answer. "We actually don't have a G-Class on the lot. But we do have several 2018 G-Wagens." He said. "That could be fun." Cora said and Regina opened her mouth to talk but I cut her off. "Actually, i was wondering about the new Land Cruisers?" I asked and he smiled. "We can test drive one. Follow me." He said and we followed him. "Emma.." Regina started and i shook my head. "Toyota's are nice cars. I want to try one." I said and she nodded.

When we got back from test driving the land cruiser, i was honestly just tired and ready to go. It's like the twelfth car we've test driven and Regina finds something wrong with every one of them. "What about the Jaguar I-PACE? The first edition? You mentioned you like those." She said and i nodded. "We have one you could take for a spin if you'd like." He said and i nodded.

After coming back from that test drive, we decided to look around the lot a little more. "I like that one." I said, pointing to it. He looked at it and nodded. "That's the 2019 Land Rover Range Rover 5.0L V8 Supercharged SV Autobiography." He said and I hummed. "What a name." I mumbled. "I want to drive it." I said and Regina looked at me.

We came back from that drive and i smiled as I got out of the car. "This is the one." I said and Regina hummed. "Are you sure?" She asked and i looked at her. Seriously? "Yes. I love this car." I said and she smiled, nodding. "This one specifically is 227,700. That's with the long wheelbase, Ebony and Brogue interior, the satin straight walnut finish, Driver assist package, smartphone package, heated windshield, spare wheel, rear seat entertainment and wade sensing. And the body color of Spectral Blue. Basically a full package." He said and i looked at him shocked. Holy shit. "Maybe we should look at something else." I said and Regina shook her head. "Baby, this is the one. I saw the way your eyes lit up. It's really not a big deal." She said and i bit my lip. "I.. that's so much." I said and she shook her head. "I can afford it my love. I want to get it for you." She said and i blushed. "I.. o-okay. But.. it's.. our car. Okay? I.. i want it in both of our names." I said and she smiled softly, nodding. "I want to put the Tesla in your name too." She said and i blushed. "So are we looking more?" He asked and Regina shook her head. "This is our car." She said and he smiled. "Wonderful. Let's get the paperwork." He said and we went in.

"Here are your keys." He said, handing us four sets of keys. Holy shit what are we going to do with four sets? "Thank you, Michael." Regina said, taking them. She handed me a set, putting the others in her bag along with the paperwork. "No problem. You're free to go." He said, smiling. They already detailed it and stuff for us. We walked out. "Alright girls. I'll see you later. I have to go meet Jeff." Cora said and went to her car. We walked to our car and i smiled as we got in. I adjusted the seat and mirrors and Regina smiled. "I'm in love with this car." I said and she chuckled. "Good. I'm glad."

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