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I sat in bed, not being able to concentrate on the homework I was trying to do. It had been about ten weeks since I broke my arm. It's been about 2 weeks since I went to Regina's house. I go to get my cast off tomorrow morning. I got my phone out to text regina.
Will you go with me to get my cast off tomorrow morning?
I sent and went back, trying to do some more work. Then my phone went off and I grabbed it, checking it and i smiled seeing it was her.
Of course I will Emma. I'll pick you up around 8?
Thank you.
No need to thank me.
I smiled and went back to working. After a few more minutes, I got another text from her.
Still want to smoke with me?
Yes please.
Okay beautiful. Pack a bag. You're staying with me for the weekend.
Oh yeah? And if I have plans?
Do you?
Uh-huh. I'll see you tomorrow morning.
😂jeez you don't put up with my shit huh?
Nope. Because I know you like to mess with me.
You could at least indulge me a little. Let me have my fun.
But then I don't get to have my fun 😏
😂🤦🏼‍♀️ you're distracting me from my homework
Read 11:34 pm
I frowned when she left me on read and i locked my phone. I went back to doing my homework and ran my fingers through my hair. Why did she leave me on read? I sighed and finished one of my classes work, then went on to my next one.

After finishing all my homework, I checked my phone. 1:53 am. She's probably not awake... I texted her and bit my lip.
You left me on read.
Yes. You said I was distracting you.
I liked the distraction.
Wouldn't you rather I distract you when you're not doing work?
No. Then you're not distracting me. You're just talking to me.
Technically I'd be distracting you from boredom.
🤦🏼‍♀️anyways. You'll be happy to know I've finished my homework.
Good. I was worried you'd give up and push it aside until the weekend.
Why would I do that? You're stealing me for the weekend.
Because you like to make things difficult.
😊Argue with me. I'll win.
Fuck off.
Have you just discovered your emojis professor?
🤔are you calling me old?
Read 2:09 am
Gina! Text me back!
Read 2:11 am
Don't call me that.
What? But it's cute.
It's too girly.
😂okay Reggie.
🤦🏻‍♀️ I swear you're my brother in a female body.
😊I'll take that as a compliment.
😂go to sleep. We have to be up early.
Okay. I'll see you at 8?
Yes. Do you want me to wake you up around 7?
🤭would you mind?
Not at all. I know you're not used to getting up early on fridays.
🙈thank you.
Of course. Leave your phone sound on.
Yes ma'am.
😂goodnight little one.
☺️goodnight Gina
🤦🏻‍♀️if you weren't so insufferably cute...
But I am 😊
Yes you are.
I smiled and got up, then went to my room. I practically fell into bed, falling asleep quickly.

I woke up to someone shaking me and i groaned as I turned to look at whoever it was. I smiled seeing regina. "Hi." I said softly and she chuckled. "Hello little one." She said and I hummed. "How'd you get in?" I asked and she hummed softly. "Ruby let me in. Come on. You need to get up." She said and i furrowed my eyebrows. "I thought you were calling to wake me up." I said and she chuckled. "I did. Seven times. So I finished getting ready, then came here." She said and I blushed. "What time is it?" I asked and she checked her watch. "7.34." She said and i groaned as I sat up. "Okay. Thank you for coming to wake me up." I said and pecked her lips. She smiled at me and hummed. "Did you pack a bag?" She asked and i groaned again. "Fuck I forgot." I said and she nodded. "Get ready. I'll pack your bag for you." She said and I blushed a little at the thought of her picking my clothes for the weekend. "Okay." I said and got up, causing her to smile. I went to walk by her and I jumped a little as she smacked my ass. "Kinky." I said and she chuckled. "Oh baby girl. You have no idea." She said, causing me to blush deeper. I grabbed a lacy bralette, a matching lacy thong, then a flannel and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I went to my bathroom and set my stuff down, then started my shower. And the thought of Regina being so close... while I shower... did things to me. I don't know.

I got out of the shower and dried off, putting my hair up in the towel, then I quickly got dressed. I went back to my room to see Regina sitting on my bed with my duffel bag packed, then my school bag with it by her feet. "What time is it?" I asked softly. She hummed. "7.55. We have about fifteen minutes before we need to leave." She said and i nodded. "Will you braid my hair for me?" I asked and she smiled, nodding softly. I sat in the floor in front of her, leaning against her legs and she hummed. She took the towel off my head and handed it to me. I sat it beside me and smiled as she ran her fingers through my hair. "You have the best hair." She said and i closed my eyes as she started brushing it. I love when people play in my hair. I hummed as she started braiding it. "Don't fall asleep." She said and I hummed again. "I'll try." I said and she chuckled. Too soon for my liking, she had finished and my hair was in two nice Dutch braids. "Okay. Shoes. Let's go little one." She said and i blushed. "I like that nickname." I said and she hummed as I grabbed my vans and some socks, then started putting them on. "Good." She said and i smiled softly. I love this...

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