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I stared at Regina, not really sure what to say. "Um.." I started, trying to put my feelings into words. She stiffened. "You know what, never mind. Put your pants on. I'm taking you home." She spit and went downstairs. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wait." I said and followed after her. "No. Put your pants on and let's go." She said, not looking at me. "But-" "no, Emma. Let's go." She said angrily and I felt my heart fall to the pit of my stomach. I went upstairs and pulled my jeans and shoes on, then grabbed my shirt and my bag and went downstairs. We went out to the car and got in. She turned the car on and drove back to campus.

I got out, not saying anything as i went in. I was hurt and upset. She didn't even let me form my words. It's not like I care. I really like her. I went upstairs and to my floor, then found my dorm. I unlocked the door and went in quietly. I went to my room and locked the door behind me. I took my shoes and jeans off, staying in her shirt and I got in bed.


I walked into class and sat down, not paying attention to anyone or anything. I was a little early but there are other people in here. It's been a week since the "date" and this will be the first time I've seen her. I haven't tried to talk to her since. I will eventually. But not yet. I heard heels clicking on the floor and I looked up, seeing her in black pants and a maroon silk blouse. She's so gorgeous. Fuck. "Today I want you to write about the worst week or day of your life. You have all class. This will be graded." She said and I clinched my fists a little before immediately starting to write.
The worst week of my life started with someone kicking me out after not even letting me explain my feelings.

By the end of class I had written about 3 pages on how upset I was. She dismissed us and I packed my things. By the time I got to her desk, no one else was in here. I handed it to her and she hummed as she took it. "Thank you Ms. Swan." She said and then immediately put it in the shredder beside her desk. I felt anger shoot through my entire body. "You don't get to be mad at me. You're the one who kicked me out after not even giving me time to explain. I don't care that you have a dick. I really liked you. But now? Fuck you, Professor." I spit before leaving, not even giving her a chance to respond. I had tears on my cheeks. I was so angry. How can she treat me like the bad guy? I wiped my tears as I walked to my car. This was such bullshit.

I sat in the common room with Belle, watching a movie. I had my head on her shoulder as I watched. She's my best friend. But I've been really upset since class. She was comforting me. "You feeling better ducky?" She asked, making me smile. She's called me ducky pretty much since the first time we met in freshman year. "Yeah. Thanks B." I said softly and she hummed. "Of course. You're my best mate. Why wouldn't I make you feel better?" She asked and i shrugged. "Wanna get sushi? I know that always makes you feel better." She said and i nodded. "Ruby will be late so we don't have to wait on her." She said and i nodded again. We got up and both went to our rooms to change. I came back out in ripped skinny jeans and a hoodie. Then vans. I always wear vans. Belle came out of her room in a cute dress and some flats. I smiled at her and we left the dorm.

We walked into the restaurant and I looked around a bit. We sat down at a table and a waitress immediately came over. She smiled at us. "Can I get you two some drinks?" She asked and i nodded. "Yes. Can I get a whiskey?" I asked softly and Belle hummed. "Can I get a Ginza Spritz?" She asked and the waitress nodded. "Can I see your ID's?" She asked and we both nodded. I grabbed my wallet and looked through it, pulling out my ID and i handed it to her. Belle looked for hers and then handed it to her. She looked over them and thanked us, then handed us back our ID's. We put them away. "Okay. I'll be right back with your drinks." She said and walked away. I sighed as I looked around, my eyes falling on Regina and some blonde. My breathing hitched. I can't look away. "Em." Belle said and i looked at her. "You're staring." She said and i nodded a little. I looked at the table, my heart beating against my chest. She's out with someone else? "Emma, I know you're hurting. But she's not worth it." She said and i shook my head. "She is. I really liked her." I said and she frowned. "Why? I don't get it. There are plenty of women who would be more than happy to be with you and you're stuck on some girl who doesn't want you at all." She said and i teared up a little. "She does want me. Or she did at least." I said and she scoffed. "Emma. You're stupid if you think she wants you." She said and i grabbed my stuff. "You're supposed to be my friend. This was supposed to be about making me feel better. You successfully made me feel worse." I said and stood up. She shook her head. "Em. I'm sorry okay? Sit back down." She said and i shook my head. "Em." She said and i sighed as I sat down. "I'm sorry. I just.. i like you okay? And you.. you're stuck on this girl who treated you like shit." She said and i blushed. "You.. you like me?" I asked and she nodded. I bit my lip. Fuck.

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