twenty three

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An: possible trigger warning... kinda depressing.

i woke up to kisses all over my face and i smiled softly. I yawned as I looked at her and she smiled softly. "Your period trackers been going off." She said and i nodded. I got up and stretched a little before going to the bathroom. I realized I hadn't started my period and I went back to the room and Regina looked up at me. I grabbed my phone and checked it, biting my lip as I opened my tracker app. And then I realized I missed my period last month too. This is the second month I've missed it. I immediately called my doctor, Regina watching me confused. The receptionist answered and I took a deep breath. "Hi this is Emma Swan and I need to schedule an appointment." "Okay what's going on?" "I.. i missed 2 periods. I think I may be pregnant." "Oh, congratulations. We have an appointment tomorrow at 10.30. It's a cancellation." "Perfect." "Alright. We'll see you tomorrow Ms. Swan." She said and I hung up. "Wait so you think you're pregnant?" Regina asked and i nodded. She smiled brightly and I couldn't help but smile. It's February 1st. So it's Reginas birthday. "Best birthday present ever." She said and i chuckled softly. I pecked her lips and she smiled. "We have to miss class tomorrow morning." I said and Regina nodded. I smiled. I was so excited. This might really be happening.


I sat in the car, tears on my cheeks and the biggest smile on my face. I'm 9 weeks pregnant. I've never been happier in my life. "We're having a baby!" I shouted, looking at Regina and she nodded, tears on her cheeks too. "I'm so happy." I said and she leaned over, kissing me softly. When I pulled away, she smiled and hummed. "Let's go get married..." she mumbled and i smiled brightly, nodding. We got our marriage license and wedding bands a few weeks ago. "Let's do it." I said and she smiled. We left the doctors office parking lot and she drove towards the court house. I found the marriage license and ring box in her glove compartment and smiled. We've just been waiting for a good time to go. I smiled brightly thinking about it. I'm about to marry the love of my life. And I'm pregnant!


We sat in the car in the parking lot at the court house, Regina holding her phone up. We're FaceTiming her mom, brother and sister. "Regina!" Jeff shouted as he came on screen. I chuckled and bit my lip as Zelena and Cora both appeared as well. "What's going on?" They asked simultaneously and Regina smiled brightly. "We just got married. And Emma's pregnant!" Regina said excitedly and I smiled brightly. They all started talking at the same time and I just couldn't help but laugh. I loved her family so much. I just smiled at regina as they kept talking.


I sat in class, not feeling good. The past few days I've been.. miserable. It's been a month since we found out I'm pregnant. I'm now a little over 13 weeks pregnant. It's March 4th. Regina ended class and I gasped, feeling a sharp pain. I felt a gush of something between my legs and i looked down to see blood seeping through my jeans. I looked up as Regina met my eyes. "C-call 911." I mumbled, tears streaming down my cheeks as I felt immense pain. Then, everything went black.

I woke up, squinting as the bright fluorescent lights assaulted my senses. Then I closed my eyes again as I realized I was in the hospital. No. No no no. "Emma?" Regina asked softly and i opened my eyes to look at her. Her cheeks were tear-stained and I immediately teared up. Fuck. No. "I'm sorry." Was all I could whisper. She shook her head as she rushed over and grabbed my hand. "This is not your fault. None of it." She whispered, leaning her forehead on mine as we both cried silently. Why? Why couldn't I just have a baby?


The next few days went by in a blur. My body was basically on auto-pilot. I was sick most of the time. But now.. well now I'm "better". I don't know how this is considered better. I walked in the house with Regina and she leaned over, kissing my head before she put her keys on the hook and picked me up. I snuggled into her and she carried me upstairs, to our room. She carefully laid me down in bed and i looked at the ceiling. "I'll be right back okay?" She asked and i nodded. She went to the bathroom and a little after she closed the door, I heard her muffled voice. "H-hey mom. Yeah we're.. um... we just got home. Emma's been in the hospital the past 4 days." She said and went quiet for a few beats. "Yeah she.. she had a miscarriage mom.." she said and my heart broke all over again. I closed my eyes, tuning her out and I guess my exhaustion caught up to me because before I could even cry, I was asleep. Why can't this just be a nightmare?

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