twenty two

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I woke up and stretched, not feeling regina in bed beside me. I sat up and looked around. "Regina?" I called out, right as the door opened. She smiled at me. She's completely naked. And holding a tray of breakfast. "Good morning. Breakfast in bed for my beautiful fiancée before class this morning." She said and I groaned. It's January 23rd. The day classes go back. And the start of the new semester. Classes technically went back yesterday but none of them actually met. "I appreciate the food. But I don't wanna go back to school." I said and she smiled. "I know baby. But you're almost done. Isn't my class the only one you have this semester?" She asked and i perked up hearing that. "Yeah I guess you're right. I forgot about that." I said and she smiled. "Let's eat. Then we'll maybe have time to have a little alone time in the shower." She said and sat beside me, setting the tray between us and i smiled.

After breakfast, amazing shower sex and washing up, we got dressed. I put on my hoodie, ignoring that it fit a little tighter and I smiled at my engagement ring. I'm so happy... "ready to go my love?" Regina asked and i nodded. She smiled and pecked my lips. I held her hand as we left with our stuff and we went downstairs. "Mind if we take your car since it's so snowy?" She asked as we went to the garage and i shook my head. "I don't mind at all. It's our car. Not just mine." I said and she smiled softly. She unlocked it and we got in. She opened the garage door and turned the car on, then backed out. She laid her right hand on my thigh and i laid my hand on top of hers. She started driving to school and I just looked out the window happily. "So, the wedding. What kind do you wanna have?" I asked and she hummed. "I always pictured a big wedding. But now that the time is here... I dont know. I just wanna marry you." She said and i smiled. "I agree. I would honestly be happy with a small ceremony with just your family. And then having dinner together or something." I said and she nodded. "That actually sounds perfect." She said and i smiled. "But our honeymoon. That's going to be amazing." She said and I giggled, nodding. "Have you thought about where you wanna go for our romantic trip?" She asked and i shook my head. "Not really." I said and she chuckled. "Well we have Time." She said and i nodded. I smiled as she drove.

After class finally ended, i sat in my desk waiting for her. She smiled. "Hold on baby I just have to finish some grades." She said and i nodded. "I'm just glad my class is the only one still meeting." I said, smiling softly. She chuckled. "Cause you, Ms. SmartyPants, took the in-person full year class. Lucky you." She said and i nodded. "Lucky me indeed." I said and she smiled. "Why don't we go home and have a nice bubble bath?" She asked and i hummed, nodding. We packed our things up before leaving hand in hand. We walked to the car and she unlocked the doors as we walked up. She opened the passenger door, causing me to smile as I thanked her and got in. She kissed my cheek before closing the door and coming around to get in on her side. I immediately laid my hand on her thigh and she smiled as she laid her Hand on mine, then tangled our fingers together. I smiled as she turned the car on and Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac started playing. I immediately started singing along, causing Regina to smile and do the same. She drove home, holding my hand while we sang along to whatever came on the radio.

When she pulled into the garage, I smiled as she put the car in park, then turned it off. "I love your smile." She said softly and i blushed. "I love yours." I said and she chuckled. We got out before going in and I hummed. "You know what we should do?" I asked and she hummed, wrapping her arms around me from behind after locking the door. I smiled and put my hands over hers. "What should we do?" She asked and i hummed. "We should get a dog." I said and she chuckled. "Really?" She asked and i nodded. "It's so cute having one run up to you when you get home, just so excited to see you." I said and she smiled. "I'm okay with a dog." She said and i smiled. "I love dogs." I said and she chuckled. "Now. What do you want for lunch?" She asked and i hummed. "Sushi?" I asked and she nodded. "Okay love. I can call it in." She said and i nodded. She left to go to the kitchen, I guess for the menu and I bit my lip as I got an idea. I quickly undressed, leaving a trail of my clothes as I went upstairs. I sexily laid in the bed and waited for her.

After what felt like an hour, she came into the room and immediately stopped dead in her tracks as she looked at me. "Shit I'm lucky." She mumbled and quickly started undressing. I smirked and hummed. "Come fuck me..." I mumbled and she hummed. "Gladly." She said and settled between my legs. She immediately pushed into me and I groaned, wrapping my legs around her waist. She immediately started thrusting into me and i moaned loudly. "Fuck! Yes!" I groaned and she moaned a little, shifting us so she could thrust even deeper in me. We both moaned and i tangled a hand in her hair. She leaned down and kissed me deeply, assaulting my tongue with hers. I sucked on her tongue a little and she groaned. We pulled out of the kiss and she hummed softly as she leaned her forehead on mine. "I'm gonna cum so fucking hard in you." She moaned and I nodded, moaning. "Fuck yes. Cum in me. Get me pregnant." I groaned and she hummed, leaning down to suck and kiss all over my neck. I closed my eyes and moaned loudly. "I-I'm so close." I groaned and she nodded, moaning loudly. "Yes. Cum." She groaned and started rubbing my clit hard and fast. I moaned loudly as my orgasm ripped through me and i came extremely hard. She moaned loudly and slammed into me as she came long and hard. I groaned loudly and closed my eyes, panting as her cum warmed my belly. "Im so in love with you." I said softly and she laid on top of me. "I'm so in love with you too baby." She said and kissed my chest. I hummed and played in her hair. She came up and nuzzled my nose with hers and i smiled softly at her. The doorbell rang and I sighed. "How about I go get lunch and bring it up here? Then after we can have some more mind-blowing sex?" She asked and i giggled, nodding. She smiled and gently pulled out of me, causing me to whine and she smiled as she pulled on her Mrs. Mills pajamas. I didn't tell her that her hair was all mussed from sex. She left the room and I smiled as I waited on her to come back. I started thinking about what I said during sex and i bit my lip. Am I ready for a baby? Is she ready for a baby?

An: okay so... the next chapter is the LAST chapter! Can you believe it? There'll be an epilogue after it, so I guess technically there are two more but get ready for the end :)

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