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I walked into class and sat down. Regina looked at me and raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. It's been two weeks since the car accident. And Reginas been hellbent that I need to rest. But I'm tired of resting. After a few minutes regina closed the door and cleared her throat. "Good morning everyone. If you'll open your books, we'll pick up where we left off last week."

Class ended and everyone left quickly. I packed up slowly and I heard the door close. "You're supposed to be resting Swan." She said and i sighed. "I know but I was bored. And I missed you. I haven't seen you in a week." I said and she sighed. "Baby you could've just told me you missed me." She said and i shrugged. "Come on. Why don't we go back to my house?" She asked and i nodded. But before we could leave, her mom walked in and smiled at both of us. "Hello girls. What are your plans for thanksgiving?" Cora asked, looking at both of us. I shrugged. "I'll probably just have sushi alone again." I said and Regina looked at me, almost looking offended and I blushed. What did I do wrong now? "Oh nonsense. Why don't you join us for thanksgiving dinner?" She asked and Regina and I both looked at her abruptly. "What?" I asked and she nodded, smiling. I blushed a little and nodded. "O-okay." I said softly and she smiled. "Good. Regina, bring your famous apple turnovers. I'll see you both then." She said and left. I looked at regina and she was already looking at me. "You didn't want to spend thanksgiving with me?" She asked, sounding hurt. "Of course I did." I said and she scoffed. "I did. I just.. didn't think you wanted to spend it with me." I said and she sighed. "Of course I do. I love you, for crying out loud." She said and i blushed. "I'll never get tired of hearing that." I said and she smiled. "I did want to spend thanksgiving with you. I want to spend everyday with you." I said and she looked at me, nodding. "Then move in with me." She said and i blushed. "What?" I asked and she nodded. I smiled brightly and nodded. "O-okay." I said and she smiled. "Okay?" She asked and i nodded. She smiled brightly and picked me up, spinning me around. I held on tight to her and giggled as she held me. She kissed my head and i smiled. "You make me so happy..." i said softly and she hummed. "You make me happy too baby. Happier than I ever thought I could be." She said and i smiled before burying my face in the crook of her neck.


I waited by the door in my suite for Regina. It's been about two weeks since we talked about moving in together, but nothing ever happened. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment. today's the day before thanksgiving. We're going to her moms house and spending the night tonight and tomorrow. I'm a little nervous because Reginas half-sister Zelena will be there with her daughter and I'm scared they won't like me. There was a knock on the door and i swallowed heavily before pulling it open. Regina smiled at me and I couldn't help but check her out. She's in jeans that look amazing on her, a teal silk blouse and a black leather jacket, then black stilettos. She's so fucking hot. I'm in ripped skinny jeans, a black tank top and a red flannel. My hairs in a messy bun, showing off my piercings and tunnels, then my sleeves are rolled down so you cant see most of my tattoos. "I.. i feel underdressed." I said and she chuckled. "You look gorgeous." She said and i blushed softly. She pulled me into a deep kiss and I hummed in her mouth as I kissed her back happily. She smiled as she pulled away and I hummed. "Ready to go?" She asked and i nodded. She smiled and grabbed my duffle bag from me, then we left. Ruby went home for thanksgiving yesterday. And we don't have another roommate right now. We walked to her car and I shivered a little at the cold air. She stopped and i looked at her confused. She set my bag down, then took off her jacket. I furrowed my eyebrows but before I could say anything, she had wrapped it around me and placed a soft kiss to my forehead. I smiled and put my arms through the sleeves, humming. It smells like her. "Better?" She asked and i nodded. She smiled and grabbed my bag before we finished walking to her car. She put my bag in the trunk with her own and I smiled as we then got in the car. "You're nervous huh?" She asked softly as she turned the car on. I blushed. "It's that obvious?" I asked and she hummed. "Maybe not to anyone else. But to me. Yes." She said and i blushed. "Why are you nervous?" She asked and i sighed. "I'm scared your half-sister and niece won't like me." I said and she chuckled. "They'll love you em. I promise." She said and i smiled happily. "You think so?" I asked and she hummed. "I know so." She said and i smiled before grabbing her hand, holding it. She squeezed my hand before pulling out of the parking lot and starting the short drive to her moms house. I smiled and looked out the window as she drove. This is my happy place. With her.

An: okay so... would you guys like a thanksgiving chapter? Or would you rather I just skip it and talk about how it went in the next chapter? Lemme know

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