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I laid in bed. My alarm went off about 45 minutes ago. And if I don't get up like now, I'll be super late. It's been a week since I gave Regina the big f you. I got up and started changing into some clothes. I pulled on my favorite hoodie and then some jeans, then my white converse high tops. I grabbed my bag and put my wallet in there before leaving. I put my phone in my pocket and locked the door behind me. I went downstairs and to my car, sighing as the cold air hit me.

I walked into the English building, sighing as I realized I was late. Oh well. I went to my classroom and walked in, furrowing my eyebrows a bit seeing a blonde. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hello. You must be Emma Swan. I'm professor dragon. I'm sitting in for Professor Mills today. Check your email for your assignment." She said and I sighed as I went to sit down. I checked my email on my phone, not seeing an email from Mills. So I turned to the girl beside me, Lacey something. "Hey.. I didn't get an email from Mills. Can you tell me what the assignment is?" I asked and she nodded, smiling. "Here." She said and showed me a paper that had the assignment written on it. I thanked her and got to work.

By the time class ended, I had already finished the assignment and had time to finish some assignments for my other classes. I missed Regina. And it's stupid cause she probably hates me now. I sighed as I left the building and went home.


By the next week, I was going crazy. Regina wasn't in class again. And that's how I ended up on her front porch. I took a deep breath before knocking on her door. My palms are sweaty. I bit my lip as the door opened and I saw some guy with curly hair. "Can I help you?" He asked and leaned against the doorframe. I bit my lip. "Um i... I-I'm here to see Regina..." i said and he raised an eyebrow. "Come in." He said and stepped to the side. I chewed on my lip but stepped in anyways. He closed the door behind me and cleared his throat. He walked off so I followed him. "Reggie, someones here for you." He said and my breathing hitched as I saw her. Her hair is in her natural curls, she's wearing her glasses and she's... smoking pot? She has a journal opened on her lap and a pen in the middle. "Who is it?" She asked and looked up, her eyes settling on me. I saw her clench her jaw a little. "Why did you let her in?" She asked and he hummed. "Because you're acting like a dick. So I'm going upstairs. Settle things." He said and walked off. I stood there in silence for a bit, her staring at me and I felt like I could cry. "L-look.. if you want me to stay out of your life I will i just... i was worried about you and i missed you. I'm sorry." I said and she chuckled. "Stay out of my life blondie." She said and i teared up. "I-I... okay." I said, my tears spilling from my eyes. I started to walk away but I stopped and turned around when she called out to me. "Emma?" She asked and i nodded a little. She smirked a little before her face hardened. "Fuck you." She said and more of my tears fell as I turned to rush out. The guy from earlier came downstairs and furrowed his eyebrows. "What's going on?" He asked and i sniffled. "She said stay out of her life. And then said fuck You. So I'm leaving." I said and he sighed. "Listen... she's just upset. She'll cool down and this'll all blow over." He said and i shook my head. "But I-" "she's not upset over you. Well she is. But that's not the main thing." He said, cutting me off and i bit my lip. "O-oh.." i said and he nodded. "I'll have her call you when she sobers up okay?" He said and i nodded. "Oh and I'm Jeff by the way. Her brother." He said and i nodded. "You know who I am. But I'll be leaving now." I said and he nodded a bit. I hurried to my car, my tears drying in the cold wind only for more to fall. I got in my car, speeding off as soon as it was on.


I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing. I looked at the clock to see it was almost 4 am. I grabbed my phone and saw it was Regina. I bit my lip and answered quickly. "Hello?" "Hey. My brother told me i was a dick to you. And I'm sober enough to apologize now. So I'm sorry i was a dick." "You.. you woke me up at almost four o'clock in the morning to give me some half assed apology?" "Well I don't think it's half assed. It's not like you apologized." "I don't need to apologize. You kicked me out and then treated me like I murdered your dog. Not only that, you shredded a paper I worked really hard on." "Yes. I know I'm an asshole. This is nothing new." "But it is." Silence. We sat there in silence for what felt like hours. "Emma I'm sorry. I.. I'll talk to you later." She said And hung up. I frowned and turned my phone off. I went back to sleep quickly.


I sat in class, waiting for her to dismiss us. We had a lecture today. After about 20 more minutes, she dismissed us. I started packing up. "Emma. Please stay behind." She called out and i sighed. When everyone left, I turned to look at her. "Yes?" I asked and she frowned. "I'm.. I'm sorry. For yesterday. I.. i don't smoke a lot. But when I do, i tend to go overboard. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She said and i nodded a little. "And... I.. im so sorry for hurting you that night. I'm so sorry. I just... I've never had feelings for someone like this before. I.. you make me feel normal. And I'm not used to that. I'm sorry I treated you like the bad guy. I'm so so sorry. Please Emma I... please forgive me." I teared up seeing the tears in her eyes and i sniffled. "I... I need some time." I said and she nodded. "Okay.. i.. I'll see you next week?" She asked and i nodded before walking out. Fuck.

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