An Exception To K's Rule On Avengers

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"Did you see the Wasp down there?" Wanda asked quietly as she put her arm around K's shoulders and led her down to where the boys were playing with Vision. Of course, that was short-lived when they saw their favorite 'Aunt' and had to rush over to say hello. K crouched down to catch the two of them as they rushed over, and to their initial delight, when they hit her, they toppled her backward flat on her back with a little 'oof'.

But bright, cheerful giggles made way for a much more quiet kind of snuggle. "Whas wrong?" Billy asked before he put one hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss the opposite cheek.

"Nothing, sweetheart," K said quietly before she pulled him into a little hug and kissed his forehead - and did the same with Tommy as he quietly curled in for his own snuggles and kisses.

"Nuh-uh," Tommy said as he tucked his head under her chin.

"Doesn't matter, sweetie. I just need a minute. I just got back from a fight."

"Oooooh! Who you fight-nin?" Tommy asked excitedly. "Wobots? Mean peoples?"

"Yes, yes, that," she said, nodding. It was much easier than to tell the kids of two ex-Avengers that they were scuffling with their old team-mates. "But ... Iron Man picked me out of the air."

Both boys ooh-ed and aah-ed and climbed off so that she could tell them what had happened, but before she could do that, Wanda stepped in. "Maybe in the morning. It's bedtime, boys."

"But .. what if ... what if ... there's more fight-nin?" Tommy asked, looking ready to pout.

"I'm not going anywhere near fighting for a while," K promised. "And I'm not going hunting or shopping. I'll be here, with you if your mom and dad need a break."

Vision turned toward the two women, obviously questioning the accuracy of that statement, and when Wanda nodded, he smiled slightly. "Although I am sorry to hear it, I can't say I'm disappointed."

"I know... you need your time," K said, shaking her head as Wanda headed off with the little ones - arguing over which fairy tale they were going to hear for their bedtime story. And in the meantime, K made her way over to the couch slowly. Everything still hurt, so she was pretty sure there were a few things off-kilter from the rack-treatment Erik had given her. She gave Vision a tired kind of smile as he watched her stretch out on the couch.

"Do you need anything to heal?" he asked, and though she tipped her head his way, she was sure to give him a negative.

"I'll handle that after Wanda and I have our talk. She had something to tell me," K said. "I'm not much in the mood to have to listen to Pietro or the White Trash anyhow."

He didn't offer any further comment, and instead she started drifting off as things began to snap back into place, pinching now and again, but not hurting enough to get her to shift how she was laid out.

She was almost startled then, when Wanda gently woke her up. "Why'd you let me sleep?"

"You were tired," Wanda said, frowning at her. "And no one will bother you here - so ..."

"Alright, then what did you want to tell me about?" K asked, just before she thanked Vision for the bottle of water he handed her once she was upright.

"What do you know about the Pyms?" Wanda asked, looking troubled already.

"I know their daily patterns ...and I know that he needs to pull his head out of his lab before he has another accident."

"I got a moment to speak with Jan, and ... things are bad," Wanda said slowly. "They're getting divorced."

"As upsetting as I'm sure that is, I really don't care about the Avengers soap opera dramas," K said.

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