No Pressure

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The party had lasted well into the night as the two teams celebrated some of their best among them stepping into matrimony. For Tony and Jan, it was of course, a preliminary party ahead of their official announcement that would herald all kinds of press and speculation for months, which ... had Tony at least wondering how much they could get away with if they didn't announce the engagement publicly.

"It'll never work out," Tony said, shaking his head. "Someone will leak. They always do."

"I know ... but ... we can handle it," Jan promised as she popped up on her toes to kiss his cheek. "And we'll blow their doors off."

"That was always going to be the case," Tony said with a smirk before he pulled her over into a much longer kiss that had Peter groaning before he simply started pushing for the two of them to get moving.

But the party wasn't all celebrations. After K and Logan got a solid talking to ... over and over from all their friends about how horrible it was that they'd kept their new marriage a secret from the teams that would have loved to have witnessed it, they found themselves saying goodbye to the Avengers that had shown up. Of course, it had all been fun and a lot of accusatory teasing on why they'd snuck out like teenagers hiding something. Particularly from Wanda and Vision.

And where Wanda had been ridiculous in giving K a hard time for ditching her while she snuck off to make Erik roll over in his grave - which had both K and Logan grinning and laughing outright - it was Vision's quiet gaze that got the first tinge of regret out of K.

"Viz," K said when she got a moment to pull away from from Logan. "Please don't learn how to do a heart wrenching guilt trip now."

He smiled almost sadly before he took her hands in his. "My dearest sister, I simply thought that you'd have wanted family around you. I don't know exactly what is considered protocol at this point. Were you coerced? I have trouble believing that Wolverine could trick you into this ... even with the help of Mr. Summers and Captain Rogers."

"Oh, and Matt Murdock," K said, though she really felt worse about not having Vision there over all the others that had given her a hard time. "He was doing the lawyer thing. I don't even really know him."

"Of course, they had to be sure to make it legal."

"Heroes," K said. "Whatchagonnado?"

"I could vaporize them," he suggested, but that only had K stepping in to wrap him up in a tight hug that she was in no hurry to rush out of.

"I love you too," she said. "I just ... I -"

"You were swept up in the moment," Vision said, smiling to himself, though he hadn't let her go. "As you so often find yourself. Yet, this time, you seem much more relaxed. More confident in your decision."

"It just feels right," K explained quietly, which had him smiling wider still.

"As odd as it may seem, I know exactly what it is you're speaking of. And I wholeheartedly approve. As long as it brings you happiness, then I wish you and your new husband nothing but the best." Vision leaned forward slightly and smiled at K. "Though if you find yourself in a position to need babysitting services, then I hope that you'll come to me first."

"No better choice," K agreed, which earned herself as wide of a smile as she'd seen from him just before he finally let her go and turned to Logan with a perfectly straight expression on his face as he rested his hand on Logan's shoulder.

"I'm sure you are well aware that there are consequences should you cause my sister any undue misery," Vision said in a perfectly businesslike tone. Logan looked up at him with an expression of clear confusion for a moment, especially when Vision continued on. "Of course, I would certainly hate to be the one to cause her to become a widow, but ..."

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