Team Family

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Logan didn't get back from his little trip to clear his head until the day before the wedding - and he, along with much of the two teams, had no idea what had happened with Tony and K. As it was, most of the adults didn't know anything had happened, but the kids thought they had it figured out.

He'd gotten in just after bed time, but as it turned out, little Kurt had exceptionally good sense when it came to knowing when his favorite adult had returned from one of his outings. Logan was in a foul mood - not quite to his door when he heard someone trying to creep and sneak. He glanced down the hall where he'd just come and didn't see anyone ... so then he looked up to find Kurt peeking around the corner from the ceiling with wide eyes.

"You should be in bed," Logan said when he spotted him.

"I was afraid you weren't going to be here for the wedding," Kurt told him. "Jean would have been heartbroken."

Logan let out a derisive little snort at that. "Oh yeah, I'm sure she'd be in tears," he replied the sarcasm clear in his tone.

Kurt crossed his arms from where he sat on the wall for a moment, then crawled down far enough for Logan to pick him off the wall and set him on the floor. "You missed all the important stuff, Logan."

"Yeah, pretty sure I came back for the important stuff," Logan grumbled as he stepped into his room and dropped his travel bag next to the laundry basket.

"Well you missed Kitty learning how to do an incredibly graceful spin in ballet class - that she followed up with a round house kick at Hawkeye that had Miss Tasha laughing out loud." Logan smirked as Kurt continued. "And you missed Wanda losing a no-magic bet with Vision that had him smiling all day. And the professor lost a game of chess to Scott the same day that K dumped Iron Man-" Kurt said, tipping his chin up and clearly slipping it in to see if Logan was paying attention. "-she went away for the rest of the weekend, but came back in time for Storm's lightning show. I think she might have been hiding from the electricity though-"

"Wait, hold on," Logan said, frowning at him. "What are you talkin' about?"

"The lightning show - I'm sure that both of you might need to hide if the lighting was heavy enough, considering your metal ske-"

"Did you come here just to tell me about K?" Logan asked, frowning down at him.

Kurt smiled impishly. "Perhaps ..." kurt smiled wider. "Is that information you'd want to know? Or perhaps you want to know that he's packing up his things and leaving..."

Logan held up a hand as he narrowed his eyes. "Go to bed, Elf."

"I'm just trying to catch you up!"

"Sure you are," he said, pushing the little boy out and then closing the door behind him. "Go to sleep. You gotta make the women swoon tomorrow."

Kurt rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Lacherlich," he muttered, his tail switching behind him as he headed off down the hall.

Logan on the other hand took a moment to run his hand through his hair as he thought it over for a moment, then immediately abandoned the temptation to think about that ball of worms until it was corroborated by a more reliable source. He stripped on the way to his bathroom and spent a good long time just washing the road dust off. Of course, it didn't help him much when his mind started to drift to Kurt's gossip.

Admittedly, it took Logan a lot longer than he normally took after a trip to clean up ... but when he came out, Natasha was waiting there on the loveseat reading a file that no doubt, she'd compiled herself. Logan tipped his chin up at her for a moment, but simply went to his dresser to get something to wear, waiting for her to say whatever it was that was on her mind. Just a matter of time, after all.

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