Farewell To The Rising Sun

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The morning after Logan had come in looking like hell warmed over, K was awakened by Moshii - who once again had shown up to get the ladies dressed. Kitty was already up - and sitting in a chair kicking her feet as she watched Moshii push for K to get moving.

"Take it easy, lady," K said as Moshii pulled at K's hair - brushing it as smoothly as she could before she fashioned it into a bun high on the back of K's head. She had no idea why Moshii was being so much of a perfectionist until she was finished and Kitty clapped delightedly.

"That's so pretty!" Kitty whispered - and it wasn't until then that K looked down to realize that Moshii had brought a slightly more elegant kimono for her to wear. Which had her thinking ...

But Kitty was with Moshii in pushing K out of the bedroom where Logan was sitting at the low table with tea. He was still looking a little rough, but nothing like what he'd looked like the night before, and when he glanced up at K, he stopped what he was doing and simply watched her make her way over.

"You look nice," Logan said, which had Moshii looking so smug, it was almost unbearable.

"You look a lot better," K replied. "But thank you. It's all the work of your äktenskapsmäklerska."

Logan smirked a little more crookedly. "I don't know that one," he said.

"I'm sure you can figure it out," K replied as she sat down next to him - the only seat available, of course.

But Kitty still wasn't sold on Logan, so K tried to let the history slip to the side as she made nice with him.

She was sure to dive in, talking about the school - and how smart Kitty was, but even so, Kitty had been scared by Logan enough that it took a few days before Kitty even began to warm up to him. It had been ... unexpectedly fun. For all three of them. And by the time they were ready to say goodbye, Logan took a moment and pulled K over to him. He dropped the volume of his voice to a level that Kitty couldn't quite hear. "You sure you don't want to go back with me?" Logan asked softly.

K smiled quietly at that. "You're very kind to offer."

Logan smirked. "You misunderstand, darlin'. I'm not askin' for the X-Men. Or the Avengers." When she didn't answer him right away, he pulled her over and gave her a long kiss. "Offer's always open."

"Don't you have to turn me in or something?" K asked.

"That's for the others to figure out," Logan replied. "Can't be as bad as you think though. You've been doin' good too."

"I'll consider it," K said, though she was already under the impression that it was a bait and switch kind of situation. "I'm not interested in a cell though."

"Who is?" Logan asked. "You don't know it's gonna go that way."

"Except for the fact that both Scott and Captain America have told me it is," she said. "Thank you for the save. Fantastic heroism. Five stars."

Logan let out a breath. The truth was that he really did want to get her to the X-Men, but she was right, and he knew that if he was fighting the whole of his team and the whole of the Avengers, it just wasn't going to be a situation where his word would be honored. He reached out and took a hold of her wrist. "Hey. If you get into trouble, call me. I won't change my number, and I know you can dig it up."

She gave him a sad sort of smile. "That's gonna be bothersome," she said. "In case you didn't get the memo - I'm always in trouble." She shifted his hold on her wrist so she could give his hand a little squeeze. "Thanks, really. I'll find some way to get this kimono back to Moshii."

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