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When Scott did finally arrive at the abandoned prep school in New Jersey, Katie was practically asleep on K's shoulder, just as curled in as the other kids had been with K - not that he was surprised at this point.

"Her name is Katie," K said, low and soft as she ran a hand over the little girl's hair.

"Where did you find her?" Scott asked.

"Not important right now. What is important is that Erik wants them screened now before he'll let me help. He doesn't have a problem with passing on mutant kids, so that ... that part should be easier. He will be checking the machine though. To make sure I'm not hiding anything."

Scott frowned all the way through her pause and tipped his head. "And is she?"

"I don't think so. No." She let out a heavy sigh. "I took the test for her so it'll show positive for a mutant. They're not to the point of a DNA test yet, so I think I can still do this for a while longer."

"And you're still sure you don't want to come with us?" Scott asked with a frown. "You can't agree with him on this." He gestured to Katie. "I know you don't."

"No, I don't agree at all. You know that," K said before she looked down at Katie. "But ... he's not going to get any better about it. And even if I could leave, that's not going to help these little ones."

"We could help, you know. More than just as a pick up point. Tony's so close to a breakthrough..."

"I don't think either of you can get me out. Tell him he can spend his time on a more deserving project. He's wasting his time. Besides, it's pretty clear how this is going to play out at this point. And I've put you all in more than enough danger, I think."

Scott watched her for a long time and then let out a breath and held out a hand for Katie. "Just think about it, alright?"

"I have," she told him. "Did I tell you how Erik found me to begin with?" Scott shook his head lightly. "He was looking for Logan." She tipped her head down and gave Katie a little smile. "Hey sunshine, time to wake up. I want you to meet someone, Katie."

The sleepy little girl picked up her head and frowned at Scott a bit. "You said no monsters," she said, holding onto K a little tighter.

"Katie, Cyclops is one of the good guys," K told her with a little crooked smirk. "He scares them almost as much as I do. He and his friends ... they're very good."

"You fight monsters too?" Katie asked, her head popping up.

Scott couldn't help but smile her way. "Sure do."

"If you're brave," K said with her chin tipped down, totally focused on Katie. "Cyclops can teach you a lot."

Katie stared up at K for a long time and then sniffed a bit. "Okay," she said. "I can be brave."

K's whole expression shifted and she pulled the little girl tighter. "Hey now ... he's really good with brave big girls like you. And there are other brave kids for you to play with. But right now, I need to help more little kids that are scared of monsters."

Katie nodded and wrapped her arms around K's neck. "Come find me again please, Mom. I miss you."

K kissed her cheek and held her there for a long moment, already having given up on trying to correct her when the tone she used dripped with longing. "You bet I will. Love you, sweetheart."

When Katie finally let go of K and let K shift her to Scott, Scott looked like she could have knocked him over as he stared at K. "Are you sure..."

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