Evaluation Time

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For the very start of the evaluation with Steve, K simply didn't move. She honestly didn't like the idea of fighting Captain America one on one, let alone when she knew that there were several other brilliant tactical minds watching over the whole fiasco as well. She knew that they weren't lying to her - they actually wanted an evaluation for their little teams ... but something about the tall steel walls ... the glass that allowed them to watch her from above ... the utter feeling of being trapped in their 'danger room' ....

All of it had K convinced that this was simply a means of finding out how to best tear her apart. And it would have been idiotic to show them how to do it. Of course ... she also wasn't about to just let them railroad her either. When Steve finally realized she wasn't about to attack him, he took a quick run at her to try and get her to engage, though ... that didn't work out well either as K simply made it her priority to dodge him and dance around him avoiding actually fighting him.

And as Steve's frustration levels rose, K's panic did as well. The further they got into their evaluation, the more she was holding her breath and simply trying to keep out of his way.

"Come on," Steve said, still smiling but clearly losing his good humor. "You said you'd fight, so ... hit me. I know you can do better than this."

K glanced up at him with her lips parted, clearly reluctant. "I ... I don't think I can," K managed to get out, though she still kept her distance.

"Now I know that's not right," Steve said, finally slowing with a frown setting deeper and deeper on his features. "We just want to know where you'd fit in best, K."

As soon as his shoulders dropped, K straightened up and ran her hand over her hair, setting the loose strands back into place. "I just don't know ... about any of this."

Steve's entire expression shifted as he seemed to really take in how tense she was. "Would it be easier if you weren't fighting one of us? At least to start with."

K glanced around at the group at large, already shaking her head slowly, her indecision clearly showing. "I don't know."

"Take a break," Tony called down from the booth. "Step out of the room for a minute, honey."

K looked up to see Tony already moving, and nodded to herself. As Steve took a step toward her, she moved back from him - maintaining a clear space between them before she made a rush for the door, where Tony was waiting to catch her. He wrapped her up in an embrace, and cradled her head in both of his hands before he kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. "What gives? You and I both know you could take him down if you put your mind to it." He dipped his head down to catch her gaze. "And I gotta tell you- I really didn't see the shrinking violet thing from you."

K gave him a dry look. "That's not what this is."

"You sure? I mean ... I'm sure you could make it work if you really wanted to..."

"Tony." K looked entirely unamused.

"Then tell me what's going on. Really. Because I know you haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg yet." He was smirking at her in a way that always meant trouble. "Don't even go all out. Just ... show 'em enough to make sure they don't push you for more ... then tell me later how much you were holding back."

"I don't want to fight with Avengers. Even as an evaluation."

"I know. You got a soft spot for us. Some more than others ..."

K shoved him back half a step with a smirk. "For a smart guy, you're an idiot."

"Can't help it," Tony replied without missing a beat. "But ... now that you grudgingly agreed to do the evaluation ..."

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