What Do You Do With Her Now?

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"She should join the X-Men," Scott said once the evaluation was all said and done. "We have the back up she needs psychologically and with Logan, we've got experience with someone that has similar issues to what she's dealing with - not just experience-wise, either."

"Are you really using Wolverine's mental state as a positive in your favor?" Tony asked, arms crossed.

"Better than using the team as an excuse when at least half the reason you want her is for personal reasons," Scott shot back without missing a beat.

"Did you just accuse me of wanting my girlfriend close by for easy access?" Tony said, looking blown away that Scott would take that route.

"Not what he said, but if the shoe fits ..." Logan said, letting the statement fall.

Tony bristled at that, but didn't dignify a response - to Logan anyhow. "You're ignoring one pretty simple fact - she kept going to us to warn us."

"Because we didn't need the warning," Logan argued. "We'd been fightin' with Magneto from the beginning. You were the ones with blinders on."

"And one could argue that you don't know when to ask for help when you're in over your head."

Before another word could be spoken, Scott had stepped between Logan and Tony - as a courtesy. "You don't really want to start up an argument like that, Stark," Scott said, though the glow to his visor was a little brighter than it had been before.

"He's right," Steve said, which was enough to both bolster Scott and get him to ease up slightly. "Both groups have benefits - and I'm not counting Tony as one of them." His tone was perfectly dry as he gave Tony a sidelong glance - and the debate started up freshly.

The men were getting heated again, and Logan was honestly ticked off at how stupid they were acting ... so of course, he took matters into his own hands and left the group without a word or any warning. "Idiots are goin' about it all the wrong damn way ..." Logan grumbled to himself as he stalked down the hall - well away from the ready room, past the gathered women in the kitchen, even if half of them or better watched him go by with a frown - and down the hall to where he was very sure K was swamped with little kids.

When he stopped at the open door, they were positively swarmed around her - Kurt was of course tucked under one arm and leaning against her - reading the story for the younger kids as K held the book. Katie was on K's lap, and Kitty was on the other side of her, reaching over to turn the pages. The Guthries and Peter were a little more reasonable - sitting behind her on the couch, or in Peter's case, sitting on the wall where he could get a better view. Jubilee was leaning over K's shoulder - almost to the point of falling onto Katie - though Katie kept turning her head to either smile up at K or to boop Jubilee in the nose - which would probably explain why they weren't far into the book yet.

Logan took a breath and leaned in the doorway, his arms crossed as he watched the group for a long moment. And as soon as it got to a break in the story, he cleared his throat.

"Not yet, we are reading," Kurt said, giving Logan a stern sort of look before he nestled back into K.

"Just gonna take a second," Logan said, walking into the room. The kids all looked like they were waiting for something to happen as Logan took a seat. "Buncha idiots are tryin' to run the world right now."

"Color me shocked," K said - and Katie let out a noise of longsuffering.

"Shocked isn'ta color, mom!" Katie said, then tipped her head back so K could kiss her forehead, falling apart into giggled and snuggling into her - close enough to boop Kurt on the nose.

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