Little Boy Blue Is Lost In The Wood

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As K made it to the edge of the trees, a fireball rose high up into the night sky, illuminating the whole area beyond the big top and trailers for a few seconds before smaller, rumbling booms began to echo through the forests. She swore, looking to her panic button and considering hitting it - until she saw that much of the pandemonium was at the hands of a fire-controlling mutant pushing back the rioting humans. It was just getting out of hand, and that ... well. Erik's group had more than enough instances of things getting out of hand under their belt. She really didn't want to rush back either. She hadn't been out on this mission for long, after all.

As she rushed ahead, people were scattering in all directions, and it was clear that the locals weren't nearly as welcoming to the circus as it had first seemed. A lynch mob was forming in response to the fireballs coming from one of the performers. The stupid part was that they were wielding torches and throwing homemade ordinances toward a mutant who was clearly invulnerable to fire.

When she got up to the trailers, the witch was bleeding from her side and one of her horns was broken off. She had already sent the kids to hide, though all three of them looked as though they thought it was the last time they'd see her as they rushed off in tears.

K started toward her to try and help her up when the witch began to sing out a song - low and in that same odd tongue, that ended with a rising whirlwind that swirled the fire into a vortex, picking up anyone that was coming toward her or the kids. Screams were hidden in the roaring wind of the fire vortex. As it grew in size and ferocity, it began to pluck up trailers and the tent ... until very suddenly, everything fell and all that was left in the witch's place was her fortuneteller's outfit as if she'd simply disappeared leaving the clothes behind. The mob dissipated after that, leaving what performers were left behind to pick up the pieces.

K watched for a long moment, in plain shock at the obvious display of magic by the woman that had been walking so casually with Vrykolakas. There was power there, alright. But it was clearly something that Magneto wasn't prepared to handle either. If the fortune teller had the power to do that on a word ... she was likely equal to Wanda in strength. Which was a considerable thing when one took into mind that Wanda, for all her power, had very little control. Yet this Margali ... Margali knew exactly what she was doing. And if she was just a means of talking to Vrykolakas, then he was something much more substantial.

She found herself breathing deeply, her heart racing as she leaned against a trailer as the crowds and the smoke began to clear. Little was left of the circus, but when K gathered her nerve again and turned to watch - and try to see who and what was left, she had to take pause when she saw the two blonde acrobats halfway wrapped around the ringmaster in tears.

It was clear that what was left of the crowd was clearly upset at more than just the mutants they thought were there. The gypsies that were part of the show was a big source of hatred, and there was simply much more in play than a simple riot after Margali's display of power. At any rate, she was very sure that a foreigner interjecting herself into this climate would only end one way. In spite of her own instinct of self preservation, she was bothered that the little blue boy was nowhere to be seen.

The remainder of the circus was moving on, and still, K hadn't seen the little blue boy anywhere in the mess. She wondered for a moment if Vrykolakas had picked his son up to get him out of the trouble, but ... that ...didn't seem like a move he'd make after so callously suggesting that she could drop off another of his children in someone else's care.

She found her way to what was left of the trailer that belonged to the witch and took a moment to drink in the scents it held, though even there it was hard to ignore the remaining traces of brimstone mixed with the charred heat from the fire. K closed her eyes tighter and cleared her mind as she tipped her head up to try and sift though the scents better before she started following the scent trails that zigged and zagged all through the wreckage. Two scents were nearly identical ... those had to be the twins, particularly since the third scent that ran parallel to them had a faint mixture of spices, myrrh, hyssop ... and brimstone. Even without the brimstone, the scent was one that was clearly familial to Vrykolakas, and the boy was still young. And sweet ... and judging by the ammonia that hung in the air mixed thickly with the scent, he was terrified. So she turned down his scent trail where it split from the blondes ... and shook her head as she saw it was headed into the dark, twisting Black Forest ahead.

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