The Calm

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In spite of the fact that Dr. Strange had put up a very good defense to keep Azazel back, the bulk of those protections could really only cover those that weren't bearing Azazel's sigil. Which meant that it was, in fact, highly advantageous to the Avengers and X-Men and all the kids, but for K ...

She'd just managed to get away from the kids and get a cup of coffee to drink outside of the kitchen on the patio with Tony when she caught the scent of brimstone. Out of the corner of her eye, a very familiar form appeared - in his full, red-skinned glory as he stalked toward K and Tony with a grin. "Ah. There you are," he said in a low purr. "I had wondered when you'd find the time to step outside of those walls."

"Looks like Strange needs to ramp up his spells," Tony said, watching the demon carefully.

"He actually did a fine job," Azazel said. "But he can't work around my mark or all that it carries very well."

"What do you want, Azazel?" K asked, doing her best version of unconcerned as she picked up her mug and took a sip.

"To collect my fee, of course," he replied, still grinning - though he had yet to blink.

K narrowed her eyes slightly and gently shook her head. "No."

Azazel's eyes flashed as he unconsciously drew himself up. "I"m afraid you can't simply deny me what's mine, my dear, though I appreciate the attempt at a double cross."

K shook her head as she set her mug down and stretched out a bit. "Not trying to double cross," K said. "But you didn't complete your end of the deal in order to collect. You were supposed to remove part of Magneto's genetic powers, and in return ..." she gestured to herself and shrugged. "That didn't happen."

"Yes, but that's not what I'm here to collect - not that I'd turn you down."

"I'm perfectly happy with who I'm with now, thank you," K replied.

"Yes, well," Azazel barely glanced at Tony before he took another step closer to K. "As I said, I'm not here to collect that prize. I will, however take your blood. Just a vial." He smirked at Tony. "Don't worry, she'll be more than capable of continuing to entertain you with the small amount of blood I'll be leaving with."

"That's not going to happen either," K said. "Seeing as you didn't provide what you agreed to for that either."

"I stopped the white whore from stealing the Summers boy's virtue," Azazel replied. "She was right on the edge of it, too. The mental anguish on discovering her would have been ... more than a bit traumatic."

"I'm sorry, Azazel, but that's still a breach of contract," K said, keeping her even confident tone even as Azazel darkened the sky and poisonous black clouds lit by red began to cover the sun. She set her mug aside and got to her feet to meet him face to face, and before she could continue, Tony already had a repulsor whining and ready to blast the demon across the lawn.

"He is unharmed and safe on the ground because of me," Azazel growled, his tail switching behind him as he stood his ground - apparently unable to get any closer to Tony or the building.

"Yes he is," K agreed. "However - we never agreed to what a partial payment might look like, and there were no stipulations surrounding what would be paid should you only partially succeed." She smirked at him and crossed her arms. "I honestly expected more from a demon king."

Azazel narrowed his eyes at that. "Don't worry, my pet, I'll be sure you get far more than you expected."

K held his gaze for a long moment. "What do you want my blood for anyhow? If it's benign enough, I may just go along if you're honest with me."

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