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Even as the gathered group of heroes and kids was still working out their new "normal" - with the teams more or less combined- and with copycat Magneto groups finally starting to realize Erik wasn't coming back and the Avengers and X-Men wouldn't put up with another radical troublemaker like him... there were other things to occupy the minds of several of the heroes there.

Most importantly - at least to Jean's mind - was the need to get Katie squared away with K. Even if they all knew the truth, that didn't change that the little girl had adopted K as her own, and it would be a shame if they didn't get official paperwork making sure Katie was squared away. And Tony had been sure to step up to the plate to provide an army of lawyers to necessitate anything that they needed.

Of course, it wasn't quite as simple with many of the other kids.

Jean and Scott had talked to Natasha long and in depth about the Guthries in particular. Paige was very attached to her ballet teacher, and she had even considered the idea of staying with Natasha and Clint. But... the boys were a different story. Sam was positively attached to Scott and clearly wanted to be like him, and Josh would calm down fastest for Jean.

So, Jean, Scott, and Natasha sat down with Sam and Paige to explain that it was their decision, and they would work up whatever paperwork was needed to keep the three siblings together and to keep them all with one set of parents.

"I will still be your ballet instructor," Natasha promised Paige in particular. "No matter what family you belong to."

"Are all the other kids gettin' to pick too?" Sam asked. "Or is it harder cuz there's three of us?"

"Everyone will get to pick," Scott assured him.

"You can even pick someone besides us," Jean put in, sure to impress on the kids that they were free to choose who they wanted.

"Alright," Sam said, looking thoughtful. "What about the kids that ain't picked someone that's gettin married?"

"We're all going to look out for everyone," Natasha said.

Scott nodded, smiling Sam's way. "We know better than to separate family. And that's what everyone is - family. We just want to make sure that you kids get to have some stability, too."

Sam nodded at that and looked over at Paige. "We gotta pick for Josh on accounta' he's too little."

Paige tipped her head to the side. "Well, aren't we all three gonna stick together?" she asked. "We gotta pick for all of us."

"That's what I meant, silly," Sam said, shaking his head. He looked at both Scott and Jean then Natasha before he put his head together with Paige - the two of them whispered quietly for a few moments before they both nodded and Sam gave Paige a long hug. "Alright, baby sis."

Jean was trying hard not to smile too much, even if she'd absolutely been peeking. "So? What do you say?" she asked gently.

"We talked about it, an' we think we wanna stay with the Summerseses for now. On account'a Miss Natasha and Mr. Clint still doin' a lot a' spy work an you guys 're teachin' more'n anythin'."

"And you're gonna get married soon," Paige added quietly.

Jean and Scott both looked thrilled, and Natasha couldn't help but smile, too. "But I'll still come and teach you both to dance," she promised. "Even if you decide to do other things, I'll see you often."

"Yes, ma'am," Sam said, grinning at her before he darted around the table and latched to her, hugging the stuffing out of her. "It was really hard to pick, Miss 'Tasha."

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