Accepting Roles

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Moshii was suspicious at first when the little group showed up at Logan's hidden house near Okinawa, but on seeing that it was in fact K back for more time with Logan ... with the little girl that had been there before - in addition to so many other little ones, she couldn't help but give K a knowing look as she ushered her off to make her clean up and get dressed properly.

K had known it was coming, but it was just that much more entertaining when she came out after listening to the little giggles from the kids in the living room. Kurt's eyes went wide, and Katie positively squealed before she rushed over and reached out to touch the front of the kimono K was wearing with one finger at first. The silk on the kimono itself looked almost water colored as the purple at the bottom shifted and mixed with pinks finally fading to a pink-tinged white at K's shoulders. The obi was black with touches of metallic gold shining up - and like before, Logan simply watched her as the little girls went from oohing and aahing the silk robes to rushing Moshii begging to be next.

Katie was, of course, the loudest, most persistent of the group, and Moshii smiled demurely as she ushered Katie into the next room to get her situated as well.

Kitty took one look at the two of them disappearing and took Jubilee's hand. "C'mon, I know what we gotta do to get ready for her. Then when she's all done with Katie, we'll be cleaned up and ready to go."

Jubilee, of course, grinned widely and followed Kitty without the tiniest of arguments, though that really just left Logan and K alone ... or mostly alone, and Kurt was a quick enough study that when he realized how Logan was watching K ... he simply slipped into the next room to see if Logan was going to take advantage of the break in little kids watching and start with the kisses already.

But if he was expecting a lot of conversation like what went on with the other adults, he was gonig to be disappointed as the two ferals simply took a few moments to share a few glances - a smile here and there, and then before Kurt could begin to understand what had transpired wordlessly, Logan made his move.

Which ... was honestly just what they needed. The kiss wasn't a short one by any stretch of the imagination, and by the time Moshii had finished with the little girls ... all three of them ... Logan and K had gotten a handle on themselves. Mostly.

"Mom! Mom! Lookit! Moshii got me purples!" Katie said excitedly, bouncing on her toes before she spun in a circle to show off the shorter kimono style that the girls wore. She was positively beaming up at K, which was more than enough for K to miss the look Moshii gave Logan over her shoulder.

It was more than just an accusatory glance, as well. And once he'd taken the time to tell all three of the little girls how lovely they were, he stepped aside to have a word with Moshii in soft Japanese so that none of the others would understand what was going on between them.

In fact, the only part any of them caught was the way they were addressing each other ... Moshi-san and Logan-san ... everything else was simply too foreign and too quick to catch. And when it was finally over, Moshii gave him a subdued sort of smile before she turned to the children and finally K. With every new face in her focus, Moshii's expression warmed up, and when she finally tipped her head at K, she simply headed into the kitchen.

K was curious - though she was pretty sure she knew what the little matchmaker was insinuating ... though for the first time, K found herself with the slightest smile at Moshii's thought process. She didn't mind the idea of being with him ... it was easy, and as evidenced by the fact that he'd already tried to shift the kids curiosity to other things, it was obvious he was trying to shield her from any pressure.

Of course, that ... hadn't factored in Katie.

"What's she sayin'?" Katie asked - loudly. "Did she catch you kissin' my mom?" She had her hands on her hips - and behind her, Kurt covered his eyes with one hand - trying hard not to laugh at the situation.

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