Stark Contrast

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If anything, the number of galas and appearances has started to pick up now that the worst of the mutant-human conflict was getting further behind them. So the number of 'dress up nights' kept popping up since Tony knew K was game to go with him. He honestly didn't care for them any more than she did but ... considering that many of them were being hosted by Stark Industries, he had to fulfill his social obligations.

It was just ... he never really realized that the only thing that had kept him showing up at those things before was the fact that he had been looking for someone or someones to have a quick fling with. And now that he was comfortable and mostly relaxed in the actual adult relationship with K ...

Tony was almost frowning to himself as he adjusted his tie in the mirror. He really would have preferred staying in and curling up with her watching movies with Katie and Peter- like they did most nights. But admitting it to K felt too much like showing all his cards - and the truth was that after she'd shut him down on Katie's name change, he was a little wary of trying again for anything serious so soon. Unfortunately for Tony, he really wasn't very good at waiting on anyone though. He'd gotten better over the course of the year or so that he'd been chasing K, but the truth was - it was easier to hold back when she was borderline a captive of Magneto. And now? Now she was right there. And everyone knew it. And no one was giving them a hard time if they curled up together just to soak it up.

Going slow was just so hard when he was more or less getting what he wanted already.

Across the hall, K was putting on the finishing touches to her attire for the night. She was a little tired - and if she didn't heal and recover from everything as quickly as she did, she was very sure she'd have some serious bags under her eyes.

After their very first endeavor into the world of the press that Tony had grown up in, K had made a point to do what she did best. And every night, once the house was asleep, K had gone to Tony's laptop and started digging. Not on him, of course. No. But on every single one of those smug, vile reporters that thought they were safe hiding behind their veil of relative anonymity.

No one looked into the reporters while they dug and tried to find whatever they could to make the focus of their livelihood look bad. They were dealing in scandals where there was none, and though Tony said it didn't bother him ... K knew it was a bald-faced lie. Even if he believed it, she could smell it on him. The fact that his anxiousness ticked up before every one of these events was only more proof of that fact.

So with a little work, she'd determined who, out of the pool was the worst offenders in horrible things said and written about Tony - and began digging on them. It had taken several appearances on the red carpet, but K was confident as she put on her gold eyeshadow that the tip offs to the more reputable news organizations would hit timing wise to dish it right back to them.

Especially considering that the worst offenders were doing things far far worse than Tony dating a questionable mutant. She'd been inside the Bugle when Jameson saw the dirt on his reporter ... and he'd lost it entirely.

K double checked the back of her hair - which was pulled into an elegant but simple updo then slipped her shoes on and applied her lipstick. She was reasonably sure that the black, backless dress was tasteful enough for whatever Tony was taking her along to - but it was also close fitting enough that it almost looked painted on at her shoulders and arms. K was very sure that Tony would appreciate it anyhow, even if it wasn't like the blatantly obvious cries for attention that most women wore to those things.

When they met up in the hall, Tony paused and gave her a solid once over with a smirk. "That looks ... incredibly conservative," he said - though even at that, it was clear it wasn't a complaint.

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