Custody Arrangements

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Katie was perfectly tickled.

Ever since her mom had started doing more hero things, she had seemed a lot happier, especially because it seemed like right around when she started doing hero things was when she started kissing Logan.

Katie had definitely noticed. She had. She knew her mom wasn't trying to be very sneaky, because she knew her mom could be the sneakiest ever if she wanted to be - so she thought it was probably okay that she knew her mom was kissing Logan and Tony was kissing Jan, so everyone was happy.

And if Katie was honest, she was happy her mom and Logan were together. She liked Logan, and she liked that he let her ride on his motorcycle with him around the lawn, and she liked that he had helped her tell her mom about her teddy bear, she liked that he let her hand him tools if she found him working on things in the garage, and she liked that he would play with her and stuff. She still liked Tony, and she liked when he would come over with Peter on the weekends to see them. But she also liked Logan. So it was like getting to have lots of parents in one place.

She liked all of it. She liked that Tony would drop everything and pick her up and spin her around when he came over. And she liked that Logan made her mom smile and that he let her climb in with them and snuggle sometimes in the morning - because after the first sleepover with Kitty and Jubilee, Logan had started to stay over a lot. Kitty and Jubes too.

And when she peeked her head in that morning and saw her mom still snuggled up with Logan, she giggled - and then she saw Logan smirk at her over K's head and giggled some more. She put her fingers over her lips, snickered hard, and then skipped off to let her mom snuggle Logan some more.

She liked how happy her mom was when she snuggled Logan. A lot.

She also liked that she wasn't alone. Kitty and Jubilee were the best sisters and the three of them would try their best to stay up late at night, giggling with flashlights under the covers until usually, Jubilee or Katie would fall asleep first.

"I got the best life," Katie told K that evening - after K had managed to get her ready for bed and helped her get her teddy bear ready for bed too.

"You really are the luckiest little girl I know," K agreed before she kissed her forehead - though she had to pause when Katie quickly reached up and wrapped her arms around K's neck.

"I got a mom who loves me lots, and I got a Tony and a Logan," Katie listed off. "And 'cause I got a Tony, I also got a Jan and a Jubes and a Kitty and a Peter!" She grinned. "I have the best family ever." With that, she hugged K again. "Thanks for findin' me, Mom."

"Thanks for being brave and going with me," K told her quietly as she gave Katie a solid squeeze.

It was a rainy sort of day when K made her way into Scott's office - almost exactly one month after their discussion in the barn. She didn't say a word after he'd told her to come in - and instead, she simply took a seat, crossed her legs, and entwined her fingers to wait for him to figure out why she was there.

"K, if this is about Katie's newest obsession, for the last time, Jean and I aren't actively trying," he said without looking up. "If she recruited you..."

K smirked and leaned slightly forward. "You're not not trying, so that's the same as trying, and if you want to speed it up a little give her a few days ... the weekend anyhow, before you throw it into high gear, but that is not why I'm here."

Scott blinked behind his glasses for a moment and then smirked crookedly. "No, of course not." There was a pause before Scott couldn't stop himself. "A few days?"

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