Jubilation! The Secret's Out

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After K had more or less come clean to Erik on the fact that the kids on Genosha had set her back heavily, Erik lightened up - but only slightly. "You can't keep watching them suffer," Erik said as she prepped for a simple mission to talk to a family about a young woman that had mutated rather quickly. "And I can empathize with that. I can. So I'd like you to focus on that. Clearly, little ones gravitate to you, so use that to bring them to safety." He smirked and with a wave, he handed her a small device. "This will make it easier for you to direct your time more wisely. A simple test will tell you if a child is one you can send to someone capable of helping."

For a long moment, K simply stared at the device in her hand. She couldn't feel her extremities and her ears were buzzing until she finally glanced up at him past her lashes with her face still downturned. "Excuse me." It was clearly meant to come out as a question, but the anger in her tone overruled all of that.

"No more wasting time with possible humans," Erik said. "It goes against what we're doing." But Erik seemed to have some sense of self preservation because a moment later, K found herself almost tossed into a transport with several of Erik's brotherhood on the way back to land.

The rest of the group was going on their own little errand, and K was sure to brush herself off with as snooty an expression as she could manage when Fred brushed against her shoulder. The craft was scarcely on the ground before she bolted out of the door and headed for the first vehicle that was waiting for them - a convertible, which was more than fitting for their surrounding of southern California.

The others gave her a glare as she shimmied out of the overshirt she was wearing in favor of the tanktop underneath - just before she nearly peeled out of the parking lot, leaving them in the dust with no further interactions with them. The drive wasn't particularly long to the little subdivision overlooking the ocean, but K found a way to stretch it out, and when she met the family, it was clear that they weren't on the same page as Magneto.

For starters ... it was pretty clear the girl wasn't that terribly mutated like they had claimed. She had the gift of levitation, which wasn't too scary in itself, but the fact that she couldn't stop her hair from floating in the air around her head like seaweed was really what had her parents concerned. They weren't scared of her or what she could do - they were simply afraid of what would happen when someone reported her.

"I don't want to leave home," the young lady said tearfully. It was clear that she was a little surfer girl or at the very least, a beach bunny by how she was dressed and how tan she was - her tan lines clearly showing where her wetsuit had been sitting for hours and hours over the summer.

K looked between the parents and the young woman and shook her head. "Can you control it at all?"

The girl shook her head. "Even when I put it in a pony tail, it stands straight up." Again, K simply looked between the girl and her parents.

"If you don't want to leave home - don't," she said. "Do you levitate other things?"

"Not unless I concentrate," she replied, then demonstrated by floating the coffee table a few feet off the floor.

"So ... you don't want to go anywhere, you don't do anything really to draw attention ... and it's just the hair floating that's got you upset?" The three of them nodded in response and K let out a sigh of longsuffering. There was only so much she could do when people were being stupid. "So cut your damn hair."

In the next few minutes, she listened to them going over the indignity of needing to do something so drastic as a makeover. K couldn't believe her ears at how stupid the three of them were - and she couldn't get beyond the fact that they'd called her out because they felt inconvenienced... but before they could get any further into it, K had simply gotten up and started to walk out. It was clear that this was Emma's idea of a joke, and it was honestly a more mild one at that, but ... K wasn't going to wait around for these idiots to figure out where their priorities were before she simply left and headed off looking for something to do to kill some time and clear her head from the stupid she'd just witnessed.

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