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"Sherlock the Ballerina"

Genesis had no intention of attending the Christmas Mayhem. She had been adamantly saying this for the past month, however, when the day came, she left the school laughing alongside Victor Trevor and Sherlock to see David and Trinity waiting for her by the gate. Narrowing her eyes at her siblings as they stood in their uniforms- identical aside from Trinity's pleated skirt- she completely missed whatever it was that Victor Trevor had said.

"That's because they are her siblings, Redbeard!" Smiling at Sherlock she nods and breaks away from them when they reach the two older Magnussens.

"See you later, Genie!" Frowning at the smirk on Victor Trevor's face she crosses her arms.

"No, you won't!" He sticks his tongue out at her cheekily, a notion she returns.

Turning to her siblings they lead her down the road and towards their home. Holding Trinity's hand as they crossed the main road she noticed her brother and sister smirking at each other. Assuming they were sharing some sort of joke from school she shakes her head and drops their hands once they were safe on the path. As she skips ahead, playing hopscotch on the concrete slabs, she finds them asking the same question in daunting unison.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Tripping over a slab which wasn't flat enough in her distraction, Genesis glares up at her laughing siblings. They could see the shock in her face and the embarrassment in her red flushed cheeks. The glare and pout on the ten-year old's face gave them enough insight to know she wasn't hurt. Offering their hands to help her up, they continue laughing.

"No! Of course not, what a ridiculous idea!" David whistled lowly.

"Ridiculous!" He states with an impressed look on his face. "Such a big word for a small person." Trinity pokes him with a teasing grin.

"It's a big word for her big mouth." Genesis huffs and stomps her foot on the ground.

"If you desire the spleen, and laugh yourself into stitches," Genesis stated distastefully. They stop laughing and look from each other to their sister and back.

"Oh no," David stated seriously and convincingly worried, causing Trinity to furrow her eyebrows. Raising his hands to cup his cheeks and widening his mouth to look alike to The Scream. After releasing a hot breath into his sister's face he simply states: "Shakespeare." Struggling to keep a straight face.

Giggling and slapping his arm, Trinity places a hand on Genesis' back and guides her back down the street.


An hour or so later Genesis found herself charging around the house in nothing more than her underwear and a vest top. She was trying to escape the grasps of the other two women in the house while they attempted to tackle her into a white dress. The second they presented it to her she screamed and ran. Genesis Magnussen never wore dresses. Especially dresses with bows and tulle skirts.

Slipping through the small gap behind the couch she knew she could only fit into. Curling in on herself, she looks to either end of the couch as she hears them enter the room, David snickering from his place on the staircase while swiping a tetris block in place. Suddenly, a pair of hands wrap themselves under her armpits and lift her from behind the couch leaving her to squeal and kick out.

"No! I refuse!" It was useless, however, within minutes the dress was zipped tightly up her back and Holly was messing with the tulle of the skirt to make it puff out as well as it could. Stomping her sock clad foot on the wooden floor Genesis crosses her arms over her chest with a theatrical pout. "I don't like it." Smirking in amusement and cupping her daughter's cheek, Holly giggles and runs her thumb under her eye.

"Learn to. It's one night, Gen." Huffing, Genesis allows them to rush a brush through her hair and pin two strands back. They slip her feet into a pair of ballerina pumps and push her towards the door. Trinity takes her sister's hand and pretends to wipe a bead of sweat from her forehead. Tugging the sleeve of Genesis' dress to straighten it out and making the lace in the top look perfect. Fingering the silk bow resting over her stomach, Genesis sighs and frowns down at her feet. She didn't mind the pumps and the dress wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She bunches the skirt in her hands as they step over the threshold of the house and watches as it bounces with every step.

"It's not... so bad." Trinity smirks at her hesitant statement and continues to hurry Genesis towards the school. As they ascend the steps to the hall entrance, one of the teachers in charge of the lower years smiles broadly as they approach. As soon as she had crossed over the doorstep she turned to Trinity to see her sister already walking away. "What- Trinity! You can't just leave me here with these people!" Waving over her shoulder, Trinity begins jogging.

"I'll be back in three hours!" Sighing, Genesis allows the hand on her back to guide her further into the hall. Breaking away from the teacher she did not know, Genesis spots Victor Trevor batting Sherlock's hand away as the curly haired boy messed with the bow-tie that his mother most like forced him to wear. The two year 3s were sat on a bench with their backs to a giant window. Descending the stops and approaching them from behind she places her hands on her hips and watches the children attempting to dance under the disco ball.

"Lord, what fools these mortals be." Starting at her appearance, Victor Trevor stands and spins to greet her. His mouth falls agape at her appearance and his features break into a wicked grin.

"You look really pretty." Rolling her eyes she lifts her leg over the bench and takes a seat next to Sherlock. He shakes his head as he also watches the group.

"This is a sorry sight." As Victor Trevor retakes his seat on the bench, an amused grin quirks at Genesis' lips as the group in front of them began singing along to 'Like A Virgin' unaware of what the words meant. Leaning into Sherlock she whisper-yells,

"You'd think they'd choose an age appropriate playlist!" He smiles at her understanding her completely. While Victor Trevor's knees bounced impatiently it became clear that he wanted to join in with the dancing.

Unlike Genesis and Sherlock, he was considered 'normal' aside from his friendship with the dark haired boy. It was understandable that he would want to join the normal kids in the festivities but he was loyal to his friends. Genesis noticed this. She could see he was yearning to get up and dance- to enjoy himself. To her right, she could also tell that Sherlock did want to participate in the dancing but both of the boys seemed to be too nervous. Sighing loudly she jumps to her feet, skirt bouncing around her she holds a hand out to either boy. As the beat to her current favourite song, 'Don't You Forget About Me', comes on she doesn't give them space to accept her hand and simply pulls them along with her.

While she jumps happily, still holding their hands, and sings along they laugh and smile at her wide smile. This was a different version of Genesis. They were so used to her being quiet yet chatty, the good listener and terrible speaker. She didn't open up to them and when she did it was through Shakespeare quotes so they didn't understand anyway. Her hair was always in a ponytail and she always wore grey trousers and a red polo shirt. It was unusual to see her jumping and singing in a dress with her hair flowing around her shoulders. Her carefree mood was contagious and soon they were all jumping, arms around each other.

They laughed as the song finished and they broke away, Sherlock confidently did a pirouette before he considered what he was doing and immediately his face flushed red at their smile. While Victor Trevor laughed Genesis simply rose on her toes and made her best attempt at a pirouette however stumbled and fell.

Laughing at her terrible balance, the boys laughed along with her, all of them happy in the moment of peace that had no bullying, no siblings and no pirates.

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