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"Sneaky and Threatening"

One Month Later

Genesis was done with self pity. After weeks of staring at the blank ceiling of one of Mycroft's many guest rooms, she began to detest how flat and square the room was. She dragged herself from the bed, avoiding the tray of cold tomato soup by her feet, and into the bathroom.

She forced herself into the shower- spending an hour giving her hair the nourishment it missed dearly. She washed and shaved herself efficiently before embracing the soft dressing gown just yearning to be worn. Battling the knots in her hair was a feat in itself. Drying her hair was the warmest of welcomes she'd felt in a while and simply sat on the chair at the dresser blowing the air into her face. Squinting through the onslaught of breeze she manoeuvred her face watching her hair fan out behind her and pretending she was in an advert.

Wearing only her underwear beneath the dressing gown and socks on her feet, she shuffled downstairs to cook herself a decent meal. While she waited for the timer she found herself running her fingers along the ridges in the charcole grey brickwork in the kitchen. It looked out of place to the rest of the house, the downgraded changed was a pleasant welcome to Genesis.

When the timer for her food sounded, a knock on the front door also resonated around the building. Hastily pulling the tray of chicken nuggets and potato waffles from the oven, she turned to hurry towards the door. Checking the camera footage of the front porch, she sighed at the sight of Aria.

When the door swung open, Aria looked her older sister up and down before dramatically sniffing the air.

"Is that chicken I smell?" Smiling at the younger woman, Genesis beckons her inside before re-locking the door.

The two sisters found themselves in the lounge with a bowl of chicken nuggets and potato waffles sat on the coffee table while the Disney movies channel played in the background. Genesis had quickly changed into a pair of joggers and a comfortable jumper before joining her sister.

Aria absent-mindedly played with her sister's hair as they made idle chat as Genesis leant forward to paint her toenails as an efficient distraction.

"Have you been eating?" Aria questions, somehow managing to play the role of the concerned sister and babying Genesis. "How much have you slept? You look exhausted." Reaching around to force Genesis to look at her, she angles her face in varying directions before holding her gaze intensely. "Has Mycroft been looking after you?" Pulling her chin out of Aria's grip, Genesis leans forwards to blow cold air onto her toes as she replaces the brush. With a shake of her head she collects a waffle and leans back, waving her feet back and forth. "I'm serious, Genie," Aria shuffles on her seat, picking her feet up to seat on them as Genesis bites into her waffle, "I'm worried about you." Narrowing her eyes slightly, Genesis finishes her mouthful and points playfully at her sister with her occupied hand.

"You know I'm fourteen years older than you, right?" Aria playfully punches her arm.

"I'm serious! David told me how fragile you were when you left." She ignores the glare she was recieving. "I doubt scooping ice cream changed that much!" Turning to look at the television, Genesis scoffs.

Leaning forward to collect the bowl she bites into a nugget in annoyance. It was irritating how much Aria knew about her that she liked to ignore.

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