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"In the Life of the Baker Street Boys"

After her reunion with Mycroft, Genesis found her way through the winding corridors of the government owned office complex and back onto the streets of London. The sun was slowly disappearing behind the buildings across the street. Looking back at the tall building momentarily, she shakes her head and turns to watch as the London traffic continues on it's normal business unaware of the confidentiality of all business taking place in the building they were passing. A drum roll and a beat drop splits through the noise of the crowd earning a few odd glances from pedestrians passing by.

Slipping her phone from her pocket, Genesis quickly accepts the call once she checked the identification.


"He's here." Pursing her lips she cancels the call, pockets her phone and begins walking along with the crowd. The sensation of being watched burned on her left cheek and, out of habit, she reaches back to pull the hood over her head to shield her scar.


When she finally passed through the revolving doors of CM Global News the first thing she notices is Sherlock Holmes and John Watson riding the glass elevator. Watching the elevator as she jogged towards security, Genesis blindly digs her ID out of her pocket and scans it. As the turnstiles twist around her Sherlock turns and seems to watch her. Setting her jaw, Genesis jogs up the stairs in front of her and circles the floor to call the lift.

The lift seemed to take its sweet time in carrying her to her required floor and all she could do was watch as Sherlock held glanced around before lifting his hands to the security camera. Narrowing her eyes as the two of them step into her dad's private elevator. She hurried to the elevator and used the key card Charles had given her to summon the lift.

Luckily, this lift was much faster and, while she waited, Genesis exercised her itching fingers by dropping her hood and winding the strings around her fingers. As soon as the doors open she could see immediately that something was very wrong in the office.

Firstly, John was crouching by Charles' personal assistant, Jeanine, who was unconscious on the floor behind her desk. He looked up in shock as she stepped into the room.

"Is this what his desperation has come to?" John's scowl shut her up immediately, the frown on her face deepened as she circled the desk to crouch by him.

"She was like this when we got here... and the security guard." Looking up from Jeanine to John, Genesis can't help but worry.

"Where is he? Sherlock?" John sits back and gives her an odd look before glancing over his shoulder to a staircase.

"Upstairs." He looks back to her. "He said he's still here."

Genesis knew her dad would never attack his staff and immediately her eyes widened. Not only is her dad in danger but Sherlock is as well- and her and John were most likely in danger also. As a million possibilities crossed through her mind as to what could happen, anxiety coursed through her and she began standing from her crouched position by Jeanine.

"We should go..." A thud on the ceiling forces John to his feet and he looks immediately to Genesis who looks terrified at the possibilities of what had happened. Looking away from the ceiling after a moments silence Genesis swallows harshly and nods slowly. "Now."

Genesis was the first to enter Charles' office and she immediately saw her dad groaning and attempting to sit up from the floor. As she ran to him, John yelled out Sherlock's name and dropped to the floor beside his friend. Looking over to see what had happened Genesis muffles a shocked scream at seeing her old friend lying still on the ground with a pool of blood on the front of his white shirt.

"What happened?" As he responded, Charles held himself up weakly.

"He got shot."

"Jesus." As John checked Sherlock's responsiveness he dug around in his trousers for his phone. "Genesis. Put pressure on his wound." Sliding over she presses her palm over the gunshot wound, restraining a gag; she was, after all, used to scooping ice cream.

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