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"Max the Baker"

When she entered the small village at the bottom of the hill she hurried past the internet cafe she knew Mycroft would be in and towards the bakery. When the bell above the door rang she was immediately greated with the warm smell of fresh bread and baked goods. It was exactly the same as it was seven years ago.

Fresh bread stacked up the sides of the walls, protected by a sheet of glass sectioning off the counter to the shop. A single aisle held eggs and packed breads and cakes, some branded and others home made. They offered freshly picked eggs inside a wicker basket lining the glass case by the counter. The case in question displayed all kinds of sweet treats.

Full cakes stood on their stands along the bottom, some missing a slice or two. An assortment of cookies and biscuits decorated with a christmas theme lined the shelves alongside a collection of brownies, cupcakes and the occasional eclair.

The bell above the door rang again and Genesis turned with a smile as the man muttered and grumbled as he struggled with the paper bags in his hands.

"Would you like some help?" Jumping, one of the bags slips from his grip and begins to.

Catching it as well as she could, Genesis picks up a few stray apples that had tumbled to the ground.

"Thank you, miss. I'm not sure if you saw the sign but we're closed today." Standing straight she grins happily at the gentleman before her.

"That's quite alright. Afterall, I'm here to see you, Max." He squints at her momentarily, his bushy white eyebrows shadowing his face. His eyes widen and he places the remaining two bags in his hands on the floor.

"Bless my soul... Genesis?" She nods with a nervous laugh. He releases a loud 'HA' before gripping her shoulders. "Look at you all grown up! You look just like your mother." He bends to pick up his bags before leading her to the back of the shop. "How is she? How is everyone?"

Once they'd climbed the staircase behind a wall of beads and entered the kitchen of the flat above the shop, Genesis released the bag onto the table and helps herself to one of the apples inside.

"Well, uh, Mum passed four years ago and Isaiah followed not to soon later." She bites the apple to distract her from breaking down like she's been prone to lately.

"Oh dear," Max drops his bags to the table, his shoulders slumped as he braces himself on a chair, "I'm so sorry." Attempting to look nonchalant, Genesis shrugs half heartedly.

"She passed bringing a new life into our lives. It wasn't in vain. Little Aria is happy with Dad and Trin, currently." Smiling sadly, Max begins packing away his groceries.

"And David?" Genesis scratches the back of her neck and bites her apple again before moving to help him pack away.

"He, uh, he's up at the cabin. He doesn't know I'm here with you and I'd like to keep it that way. I've been struggling to cope with the whole moving thing and mum and Isaiah dying not too long after Victor Trevor. I need a good long break." Nodding understandly, Max can't help the stab of worry in his chest for the girl he's known since she was an infant.

"Where will you go?" She sighs and shrugs. Tossing her apple core in the bin she proceeds to unzip her rucksack and pull out the passport. Flicking it open to reveal an alternate alias she smirks.

"I could go where ever. I'll probably stay in Wales, though... It's nice here. I might go down to Newport, start a new life by the sea where it's quiet and I don't have to hear the name Holmes or Magnussen again." Max takes the passport and looks at the new name she had adopted.

"Rosalie Evers?"

"My grandmother. I'm told I look exactly how she did at my age so I wanted to pay homeage to her." He smiles and passes it back.

"It's a nice sentiment. Tea?" He runs the kettle beneath the tap and sets it atop the stove.

"Yes please." Genesis lowers herself into a chair at the table and sighs. She hadn't exactly planned everything out. She had her emergency credit card her dad had given her but she couldn't use it if she didn't want to be found. A bank transfer to another account would also help them track her. The only way to transfer the money would be to retract it from the bank and cash in the notes.

Thanking Max for the tea she takes a sip and purses her lips.

"Where's the nearest cashpoint?" He wraps his hands around his mug and nods out of the kitchen window.

"End of the street." Smiling thankfully she glances out of the window and sips on her drink.

"Brilliant. I'll leave you be after I've finished this." Sighing, Max shakes his head and looks down solemnly.

"Couldn't you stay the night? It's been awfully lonely since Laura passed." After wracking her brain for a moment Genesis gasps and claps a hand over her mouth.

"Oh my god, I've been an awful person. I've been complaining about my life and didn't even bother to ask about your wife! I'm so sorry, Max. She was lovely." He reaches across the table and pats her hand.

"We've both lost people we love. We can't blame ourselves but we can't isolate ourselves either." He interrupts her before she can speak. "It's healthy to take time away but you can't ignore those who love you forever, Genesis. You'll only regret it." Twisting her hand to hold his she offers a thankful squeeze before releasing him and continuing to drink her tea.

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