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"A wild night out"

When Trinity and Genesis were reunited with their parents and brothers they were burdened with informing them of Victor Trevor's disappearance. Holly had immediately wrapped her arms around Genesis as the girl began spluttering and tearing up. The three men watched for a moment before exchanging a look that said 'we need to make sure she doesn't do anything impulsive'- and so they did.

That night, Charles tucked her into bed and told her that "whoever took Victor Trevor will not take you, your brothers will make sure of that". She knew perfectly well what that meant and so, as she pulled the covers further up her body with a whimper at her father's statement, she allowed him to plant a stubble-rough kiss to her forehead before watching him leave the room- door cracked slightly.

Watching his shadow retreat from the light filtering into her room through the crack, Genesis through her feet over the edge of the bed and began tugging her hair up into a messy ponytail. Patting the bumps in the otherwise smooth hair atop her head she pads over to the crack and crouches close to the wall. Through the gap the door had left she could see the open arch into the lounge and saw Isaiah sipping on a mug of coffee; his eyes glanced up to her door and the contact their eyes made with each other made the breath catch in Genesis' throat. As her brother shook his head slightly she retreated into the room and shut the door properly.

Skidding under her bed she pulled out her old Velcro-strapped boots. All of her shoes had laces aside from these and she saved them for the hasty moments. As she pats down the neatly placed straps she pulled a long roll of heavy duty rope which was tied to her bed frame. You may think it odd but she had been waiting excitedly for the day she could finally put her escape route to use.

Wrapping the thick braid around her waist once and dropping the rest of it from her window she slowly climbed onto the ledge and gripped her hands tightly around it, ignoring the friction heating up her palms. As she walked down the side of the house- having to stop every now and then to contemplate how idiotic her situation was- she noticed how fortunate she was to have no windows below her own.

Dropping roughly to the ground she took no time in untangling herself from the rope and sprinting through the garden gate and down the dark street, the only light coming from the flashing blue and purple on the heel of her boots. As she breaks through the treeline of Musgrave forest the flashing lights illuminate the way well enough to guide her way around the trees.

A few rogue twigs snatch at her, tearing her top along the sleeve and scratching her arms. As the area flashes blue momentarily she catches sight of the clearing and the well. With one last sprint, she pushes away from the trees and finds herself crashing into the overgrown grass. Chest heaving, she lifts herself to stand on her shaky legs and throws herself at the well.

Gripping onto the edge she chokes on her breath and peers into the dark pit.

"Redbeard!" She screams, voice hoarse. She doesn't hear anything aside from a faint splash and the sound of water rippling against the walls. Eyes wide in panic, she looks around frantically and yells back into the well. "VT!" Suddenly, there's a noisy splash and a gasp. Her eyes search desperately into the dark. "Redbeard?"

"Genesis?" Gasping, she muffles a scream into her hand and leans down to remove her shoe. Hitting the well with it she acknowledges the flashing. "Genesis!" He yells, struggling to keep his head above the water as the flashing shoe makes its way down to him.

Scrambling to catch the shoe before it sinks he hits it against the wall and looks up.

Genesis sighs noisily as the shoe illuminates his struggling face.

"How are you still alive?" She hears the boot hit the wall again and sees his face, shaded and hollow.

"I'm starving, sure, but I've been drinking the water. I- I can't feel much and I feel like I've lost... something-"

"Stay there!" She interrupts him and pats the stone enthusiastically. "I'll go get someone!" Victor Trevor panics and hits the shoe against the wall again for light.

"Genesis, no! She'll get you too!" But it was too late. She'd already broken into a sprint, leaving him to lean tiredly against the wall unwilling to do anything but die. Lifting his arm further out of the water he gags at the skin flaking and falling from his limb.

Legs burning, lungs screaming, head spinning, Genesis was running through the trees again. With only half as much light to guide her way she stumbled and tripped over more roots and logs than she had before. As she fell over one particularly tall log a twig caught the side of her face, digging itself into her skin and dragging along the length of her face.

Hissing at the burning sensation along the side of her face she drags herself to her feet and stumbles out of the trees and in amongst the 'funny gravestones'. Yelling out she watches as the lights in the house slowly flicker on. The light illuminating the entrance hall flickers on and warm orange light floods the porch.

A familiar pair of pigtails and cotton cardigan stands on the top step staring out at her. Eurus. The breath in Genesis' throat hitches knowing that the seven-year-old knew what she knew. As the front door opens and Violet steps out a sudden wave of nausea spreads through her and she ducks behind a gravestone.

Breathing heavily, she hears Violet whispering to Eurus and ushering her daughter inside. For a moment the door doesn't close but when it does Genesis releases a breath she hadn't known she was holding.

Feeling a wave of warmth on her cheek she lifts two fingers to the of her face and feels the deep gash lining the right side of her face. Bringing her hand in front of her she finds it covered in blood.

Releasing a noise that was mixed between a gag and a sob she stumbles to her feet and takes off for her home. She couldn't lie, her everything hurt and she was scared out of her wits. Who knew what Eurus was going to do to her now she knew where Victor Trevor was. Her face had become numb on the right side and tears were mingling with the blood.

When the door flies open and a scream fills the air her ears start ringing and she sobs on the step. David grips her shoulder and tugs her into the house and towards the lounge. From the staircase Holly gasps and the thud of Trinity's door echoes around the building as she pads desperately around, lugging the first aid kit that she had been given at cadets.

"Genie, where did you go? What happened?" Everyone panics and ambulance sirens echoes in the distance.

"Redbeard..." she sobs, "I- I," she tries to place a hand to her head as the room starts spinning, "he-" her eyes roll back into her head and she collapses onto the sofa.

As panic ensues in the Magnussen household and medics swarm the premise- down the street, a little boy was wishing for death to take him swiftly and the little girl who put him there was scribbling wildly on varying pieces of paper each depicting the same image in different colours.

Two stick figures, one with curly hair and the other with a ponytail and skirts, their names scrawled atop their heads:

'ShERlOCk' and 'GEnEsis'

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