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It was common to hear the delighted laughs of playing children coming from the forest. As the leaves quakes and branches creaked under the sun's heat, the sunlight found its way peeking through any gap it could find to illuminate a path for the children. As a twig snapped beneath the flimsy sole of a shiny sandal the wind howled and carried the hushed voices of two boys hunting their friend.

Breaking into a sprint Genesis hurls herself off the path and deeper into the forest. As she passes trees and fallen logs she had never seen before her legs slow to a walk and eventually a complete stop in the centre of a clearing. Gaping at the cobblestone well in front of her she quickly glances over her shoulder and approaches it. No one had ever mentioned a well being in the middle of Musgrave Forest. Running her fingers along the stone she peers down into the shallow water rippling along the floor. Moss climbed the walls of the well and she accidentally dips her hand in some. Squealing and leaping backwards she spins around with a disgusted noise and wipes her hand on the leg. Looking up she stumbles into the wall and clamps a hand over her chest,

"Eurus! You scared me!" While the girl simply stands there, her head tilted making her pigtails fall out of proportion and her white sock-clad feet twitched ever so slightly, Genesis furrows her eyebrows and steps closer. "Are you okay." A wicked grin spreads across Eurus' face, completely genuine and completely delighted. Sighing elatedly Genesis steps closer to the smiling child feeling much more at ease with her. Sherlock and Victor Trevor's yelling was close by and she looks over her shoulder- blind to the evil glare Eurus' grin had morphed into. She was completely unaware of the thoughts flying around in the girl's mind and the probability of Genesis living another day lowered considerably.

As if she sensed some sort of ominous danger Genesis suddenly grasps Eurus' hand and leans close.

"Run." She whispers before taking off with her hand clamped in her own.

Eurus suddenly realised that Genesis wasn't the issue here, Genesis would play with Eurus, she could be her friend if it wasn't for them. The boys. Sherlock and Victor Trevor. After all, it was her brother who continuously left her and her plane alone to play while he ran off with his idiotic pirate friend. At least Genesis had some intelligence.

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