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"Birthday Scares"

It's a Saturday and unfortunately it was Genesis' birthday. It was the only day of the year she wished never rolled around because she was too used to being alone. This birthday, she wasn't alone. Not only was she living with Mycroft Holmes- something she'd never imagined before- but she was also in the same city as her little sister, brother her old friend and her new friends.

Still, she hated her birthday. Usually, if she wasn't working, she would spend the day lounging in bed with a large bag of doritos by her side and movie after movie playing on her television. Her plan for this birthday was to sleep as long as she could before claiming the couch for the day. As aggravating as it was, Genesis rolled out of bed around nine o'clock due to being so used to waking up to have breakfast with Mycroft.

She had shrugged on a loose jumper and her most comfortable pair of joggers before dragging herself downstairs- a duvet wrapped around her shoulders and her hair hanging low in it's bun. The television in the lounge was on, the news playing as usual. Throwing her head back with a groan she silently curses Mycroft before trundling into the room.

Her presence was acknowledged immediately. He looked up as he brought his coffee mug to his lips, slightly shocked to see her messy state. His gaze watched her as she stumbled over the end of the duvet and decidedly flopped onto the couch with a loud groan. Laughing quietly to himself, Mycroft sips his coffee before lowering the mug and looking over to her as she watches him through the gap in her nearly closed eyes.

"Good morning." She sighs loudly and adjusts herself into a seated position.

"What do you want Mycroft?" He raises an amused eyebrow at her sulky mood before raising his mug in a toast.

"Happy birthday." Groaning over-dramatically once again, she throws her head back.

"When will it end!" Shaking his head, Mycroft begins to stand from his chair announcing he'll make some breakfast. "Wait!" Lifting her head, she offers him a tired smile and reaches her arms out, grabbing at the air lazily. For a moment Mycroft was confused. Did she want a hug? Or a pillow perhaps? He decided that the only way to find out was to approach her- which he did so cautiously. Surprisingly, when he was close enough, she slowly reached out to his hands and removed the mug of coffee from his grip; he wasn't sure why he didn't stop her, it was his coffee after all but he nonetheless allowed the woman to steal his caffeinated drink before trundling off to the kitchen. "Thank you!" She called sweetly after him.


Mycroft hadn't given Genesis a gift and she was thankful. She was also, however, curious. So while they ate a plate of bacon, sausage, scrambled egg and baked beans, she watched him carefully.

"Why aren't you at work?" She questions sceptically. He clears his throat, places his fork down and wipes his hands on his napkin.

"It's your birthday. I figured I'd take the day out of the office for you." Narrowing her eyes at him, she slowly raises a forkful of bacon and egg to her mouth.

"Mhm." She hums around the mouthful. "What's in it for me?" Mycroft smirks and shovels a mixture of everything on his plate into his mouth.

"You'll just have to wait and see." His smirk irked her as he drank his freshly brewed coffee without another word. She didn't like the sound of his words at all, there was something about them that simply couldn't be trusted.


Late that afternoon her distrust was proven sensible when her Harry Potter marathon was interrupted. The door to the home cinema was flung open and, as one of the newcomers strolled over to turn the film off, Genesis looked up to find David looming over her. Pouting, she crosses her arms and mimics the action with her legs. He sighed and lifted her under her armpits. As he carried her from the room, her body hanging from his arms, she pouted and glared at Mycroft's amused smirk when they passed him.

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