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"The Druggie Needing a Huggie"

"Why am I here Mycroft?" They walk through a crowd, champagne flutes in hand and Genesis' hand resting in the crook of his elbow. She glanced around at all of the government officials and important people in the room. They were dressed in their best suits and dresses and looked extremely expensive- they looked as though they belonged here. "Parties aren't exactly my scene." His lips curve up slightly in a small smirk as they stop walking outside the hall where the main party was as Mycroft's phone begins to ring.

"I was told to bring a plus one." Answering his phone he turns from her slightly, she sighs and itches the space beneath her armpit where the sleeve of the dress dug into her skin. "What are you doing?" Mycroft hisses quietly and bats her hand away.

"It's itchy!" She exclaims with a pout. Mycroft rolls his eyes, a silent exclamation on his face as he continues talking into the phone. Crossing her arms over the uncomfortable sequin dress Mycroft had bought her, she sips on her drink. She was bored, her phone was in her hand bag which she had stupidly left with their jackets.

A waiter in a smart black tux approaches them looking as though he had important information to tell them, which was actually on the phone in his hand. Mycroft reluctantly excuses himself from his current call and takes the phone from the waiter.

"What is it?" He asks coldly while Genesis silently thanks the waiter. "Was it on fire?" Looking up in alarm, she watches as his nose twitches in annoyance and smirks at the growing irritation on his face. Eventually he sighs and drops his gaze to her. "We'll be right there." As they head for the cloakroom Mycroft explains to Genesis that Sherlock had left the house, apparently with a friend. She scoffs as she shrugs on her jacket.

"He still has those?" Accepting her purse, she raises her hands in mock surrender as he sends her a serious glare. "I'm kidding obviously. Are we going to get him?" Mycroft opens the door for her to enter the car without answering her. They sit in silence as usual.

When they finally exited the car, Genesis looked up to see herself standing outside the same building she had been in when Mycroft collected her from Baker Street on her first day in London. She mentally patted herself on the back for not being the reason she was walking through the revolving doors once again, she guessed these doors meant trouble if you didn't work there. Mycroft seemed to stand taller than normal as they sped through the foyer and up through the lift. Eventually they found themselves entering a room with one large screen and multiple manually operated computers.

The first person to greet them was Lady Smallwood, the woman who had been the reason Genesis was brought to London to start with. Without paying attention to the red head, Lady Smallwood approaches Mycroft with her arms crossed.

"We can keep tabs. You didn't have to come in." Mycroft scowls at her.

"I was talking to the Prime Minister." She raises a sarcastic eyebrow at his matter-of-fact tone and nods her head slowly.

"Oh, I see." Pushing to stand between the two, Genesis offers a over exaggerative and short lived smile to Lady Smallwood before gesturing to the screen showing Sherlock wandering nearly off-camera.

"What's he doing?" Mycroft turns to look at the screen, his nose turning up in irritation.

"Why is he just wandering like a fool?" Lady Smallwood sighed as if in disappointment. Her movements triggering a silent snarl on Genesis' lips to form.

"She died, Mycroft. He's probably still in shock."

"Everybody dies." Mycroft states in a monotone, Genesis nods along absent-mindedly as she watches Sherlock wander off screen before popping up on another. "It's the one thing human beings can be relied upon to do. How can it still come as a surprise to people?" Genesis' agreeing nod stops. Her jaw clenches as she doesn't look away from the screen, she does, however, drop her foot down onto Mycroft's- only releasing it when she feels him twitch ever so slightly.

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