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"Where's Rosie?" Genesis pops up from behind the couch, her hands slapping down on the leather as she smiles a wide-mouthed smile at the baby on the floor. "There she is!" When Rosie giggles she sinks back behind the chair and crawls to the other end. "Where's Rosie?" This time when she jumps up Rosie stares at the spot she was in a minute ago. When the child didn't see her she took a moment to look back at Mycroft in his armchair before back to the sofa to see Genesis at the other end of the room. "There she is!"

Rosie's delighted squeal fills the fire-lit room and the little girl rocks slightly. Mycroft leans forward in case he had to catch her but relaxes when she rebalances herself. He glances up to find Genesis smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and leans back, turning the page in his news paper. He sniffs and sneers at the air before looking down his nose at Rosie.

"She needs a change."

Climbing over the arm of the sofa she creeps over to Rosie and lifts the baby up under her arms, patting her diapered bottom. Releasing a high pitched and elongated 'ew', Genesis rubs her nose playfully against Rosie's.

"Uncle Mycroft has a super nose!" Her baby voice made Rosie giggle and the two of them looked down at Mycroft in his seat. He was still sneering, his nose upturned at the smell. Genesis crouches slightly and playfully pokes Mycroft's nose with a high pitched 'boop!'. Rosie giggles and she repeats her action on Rosie's nose. "Let's get you changed, stinky." As she leaves the room Mycroft calls after her.

"Please never do that again."


Around midday Genesis had arranged Rosie's food in the highchair before pushing the chair around to face Mycroft. He looks up from his phone as slowly lowers his sandwich.

"What are you doing?" He asks as she turns to leave the room. She turns around with a smile and waves her own phone at him.

"John texted me. He needs me to call him. Also..." she zones off as she presses a few buttons and lifts the phone to her ear, "I'm in dire need of a shower. Rosie didn't give me chance to have one." The infant in question had turned as well as she could in her chair to see Genesis. Giving a small open handed wave, Genesis leaves the room as John answers. "John, what's up?"

"I just beat the shit out of Sherlock." He sighs down the phone.

"What? Why? What happened?" There's a shuffling on the other end and hushed whispering before he answers.

"Have you not seen the news?" Genesis looks over her shoulder as if the word would attracted unwanted attention from the only other adult in the building.

"Of course not. Rosie is impressionable and corruptable, John! Mycroft's been confined to his phone and the newspaper." A door closes in the distance on his end as Genesis begins climbing the staircase.

"Wait, Mycroft's there?" Genesis nods, forgetting he couldn't see her for a moment.

"Yeah, he's having lunch with your daughter right now. Figured it would be the perfect time to sneak off for a quick shower." Her smirk was clear in her tone as she entered the bathroom.

"He's feeding Rosie?" The incredulance in his tone was enough to have Genesis giggling.

"He's surprisingly good with kids. He could tell she needed a change just by sniffing the air!" She quickly turns the shower on before stepping out of the room to continue her call without the background noise. "So what happened with Sherlock?"

"It's not hard to tell, Gen. And, uh, he's been accusing Culverton Smith of being a serial killer on twitter. He threatened him with a scalpel in the morgue of all places after having bragged about knowing his daughter!"

"Seriously? Sherlock, on twitter?" He sighs sadly and Genesis drops her smirk suddenly concerned. "Are you alright? Where is he now?"

"I hit him real bad, Gen. He's hooked up on god knows what. It doesn't help his case that he was high as a kite." Genesis lifts her hand to rub her temple tiredly before dragging her hand down her face.

"Fucking hell. Is there anything you need me to do? Come and pick you up? Check in on him?" John makes a disgruntled noise and whispers impatiently away from the speaker.

"Just take care of Rosie for now. Look, Gen, I've got to go in for questioning- I'll update you later... or Mycroft will." Uttering a quick 'bye' before the call ended.

As promised, her shower was quick. While she was tackling her damp hair back into a pony tail, Genesis jumped as a knock on the bathroom door echoes around the room. Stumbling over to the door she swings it open to reveal Mycroft holding a clean faced Rosie on his hip. The look on his face said it all.

"Sherlock?" He nods. She begins to take Rosie from him and smiles. "How much did she eat?" A smile plays on his lips as Rosie plays with Genesis' wet hair.

"All of it." Smiling with a nod, Genesis sends Mycroft on his way and turns to look at the floor where Rosie had wrung her hair into a puddle. Looking up at the girl with her mouth agape, Genesis gasps.

"What did you do, Rose?" In response the little girl simply reaches forwards to place her hands over the woman's mouth causing the two of them to giggle.

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