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Once the paramedics had rushed Sherlock to the hospital and checked Charles for any injury Genesis assisted her dad home. She hadn't been to Appledore in almost 34 years and it was just as amazing as she could remember. While she fixed a drink for herself and Charles she glanced out of the window at the rolling fields leading away from the patio outside with a sigh. Shaking her head to clear her mind she picks up the two wine glasses and carries them upstairs to the lounge.

They sat quietly for a while, Genesis sipping her drink and Charles holding an ice pack to his cheek. It's silent for a moment until the door downstairs slams shut and footsteps thud up the stairs.

"Dad?" A breathless voice calls up the stairs. "Whose shoes are by the door?" Genesis and Charles both turn to see a blonde approach them, her hair tied back in a ponytail and her phone open on instagram in her hand. Genesis glances to Charles silently questioning him. He gives an affirmative nod immediately forcing Genesis to her feet with a surprised look on her face. Her immediate movement had the blonde looking up from her phone, her cheeks were tinged with pink and sweat glistened on her forehead. The two of them stared at each other for a moment, blue eyes scanning the other.

Genesis acknowledged the sports bra and leggings for a moment before looking back up at her. Stepping forwards slightly, Genesis' reminiscent look was enough to unnerve the woman.

"You look just like her." She says finally causing a crease to form between the blonde's eyebrows as she steps back slightly.

"Uh, who are you?" Nodding, Genesis mentally face palms herself and laughs nervously.

"Of course, you probably don't remember me. You were only four the last time we saw each other." Pursing her lips, a pang of regret hits Genesis and she frowns at the woman stood in front of her. Stepping hesitantly towards her she slowly reaches out to grip her shoulders. "Look at you all grown up! Mum would be proud, Aria." Behind them Charles stood and collected a photo frame from the wall above the fireplace and turns it to Aria in an attempt to jog her memory.

After a moment of staring at the photograph, she gasps and looks back to Genesis. The photograph was an image of Genesis on her eighteenth birthday. Her hair looked red in the artificial lighting of the restaurant they sat in, rather than strawberry blonde, almost blending with the seat cushion behind her.

"Genesis?" Laughing exhaustively and nodding, Genesis mutters out an exasperated 'yes' before dragging Aria close to hug her tightly. With a huff, Aria laughs slightly. "You don't want to be hugging me, I'm all sweaty!" Burying her face in her little sister's shoulder, Genesis shakes her head slightly into the sleeve of Aria's top.

"I don't mind. It's been too long." Eventually, Aria hugs back.

While his daughters reunite, Charles replaces the old photo of Genesis back on the wall and doesn't spare another glance at the other pictures of his children and deceased wife. Taking another seat back on the sofa he picks up her wine glass with every intention on drinking it- if it wasn't for the drum roll and beat drop that interrupted the moment. Pulling away with a long sniff, Genesis rolls her eyes and digs her phone from her pocket knitting her brows together at the unidentified caller. Glancing around at the two in the room she hesitantly raises the mobile to her ear.


"Genesis?" Gaping momentarily at the voice that greeted her, Genesis excuses herself and begins making her way back downstairs.

"John? Why are you- how did you get my number?"

"Sherlock. He left it on his pillow. Do you know where he is?" Frowning deeply, Genesis stops her pacing around the dining table and stares absent-mindedly out of the patio doors.

"No... He should be in the hospital- is he not?"

"No." Her breath hitches in her throat and immediately she beelines for the front door and hurriedly pulls on her shoes.

"Right, I'm calling him." Hopping as she struggles to pull her other shoe on while balancing her phone on her shoulder.

"He won't pick up, Genesis." Putting her foot down and taking her phone back, Genesis takes the phone back.

"I don't care."


Before Genesis could find Sherlock's number from John's blog she received a text from the detective himself. He gave her an address and to come immediately... so she did.

She ran the entire way, preferring the sprint to her destination rather than hailing a taxi. When she met the street corner she almost ran straight into a woman with short blonde hair talking to a homeless man on the ground. They stared at each other for a moment before both of them simultaneously asking the same question.

"Sherlock?" Breathing heavily, Genesis nods and watches as the woman motions for her to follow. As they began to wander down the street.

"Are you Mary?" The blonde nodded as the phone in her hand rang. Plugging a headset into her ear she begins talking to, Genesis presumed to be, Sherlock. As Mary continues to speak and look around the street, Genesis drags back to give her privacy in the call. While she took her time in following the blonde Genesis simply watched her feet, she watched as the cracks in the pavement passed by and noticed how she stepped heel to toe when she walked.

The ground illuminated with white light causing her to look up and across the street. Projected onto one of the tall white buildings identical to the rest on the street was a head shot of Mary on the day she married John.

"What the fu-" Mary begins approaching the building, cutting off Genesis as she moved suddenly. Together they wondered into the building, looking around at the bare hanging lightbulbs and concrete walls. It didn't look like the house it was supposed to be. A bright light at the end of the corridor blinded the two momentarily. As their eyes adjusted to the sudden attack on their eyes a figure sat in a chair alongside a drip stand came into view.

"You were very slow." Mary's statement didn't make any sense so Genesis could only assume she was still talking to Sherlock. After a moments silence Mary pulled out a pistol and loaded it. Uttering a shocked squeal, Genesis backed up. Glancing down a corridor she saw a figure standing at the end. As Mary continued her conversation, Genesis quietly wandered down the corridor towards the figure.

Her theories were confirmed as she emerged from the darkness and came face to chest with Sherlock Holmes, the collar of his trench coat brushing her nose.

"Sherlock!" She hissed as quietly as she could. He hurriedly presses his palm over her mouth, ignoring the woman's protesting, and softy spoke to the air.

"Go on. Show me. The doctor's wife must be a little bit bored by now." Removing his earpiece he leans in to whisper Genesis' ear. "Wait outside, this is a private matter." She raises her hands in a flustered motion with a disgruntled exclamation.

"Then why am I here, Sherlock? What's going on? Why aren't you in hospital and for fuck's sake, how did you get my number?" He shushes her as a gunshot echoes down the corridor making her jump and squeal again. As Sherlock brushes past her he mutters a small 'support' before turning the corner at the end and finally facing Mary.

Sighing and looking up at the ceiling to gather her thoughts for a moment she picked her feet up and left the building. She took a seat on the doorstep and simply waited- a million unanswered questions passing through her mind that she was sure were going to take a while to uncover the truth.

As much as she was happy to be with her family again, being involved with the man who had finalized her decision to run away was proving to be as frustrating as his attitude was. He was extremely intelligent, however, and he kept her skull. That had to mean there was hope. That's all she could do. She simply hoped that somehow they could rekindle their friendship.

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