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"Sup Murph" Y/n greeted, petting the cat behind the ears. "Where's uncle Delmar?"

Murph just purred in response, budding its head into Y/n's palm.

"Y/n!" The owner of the shop cheered, standing up from behind the counter and making both the cat and teen girl jump in surprise. "How was the flight?"

"Oh, you know... long and boring. I did get to watch some movies though." Y/n then began shuffling through her bag, taking out a small envelope and handing it to Delmar. "Its for you, from mom."

The man proceeded to place the envelope in his back pocket, saying he'll open it later. "So, how long are you staying again?"

"A month."

Y/n took out her phone as Delmar began wiping down his counter. "Hey, do you know where I can charge my phone?" The girl asks, fishing out her charger.

"Yeah, back here." He pointed to a spot on the floor near some cabinets. "Mind helping me out around the shop while you stay?"

"Sure" Y/n walked around the counter and stood beside her Uncle, plugging in her phone in the process. "What do I gotta do?"

She nodded along to all the instructions that were given, asking questions like where the napkins were and how to figure out the cash register.

"Got it?"

"Uh yeah, I think so."

"Great! I'm going to get some groceries. You stay here."

Y/n nodded as she watched her Uncle Delmar say goodbye to the cat and walk out the door. Sighing, she leaned against the counter and checked the time, 1:23 pm.

"Knowing him, I'm going to be here for a while..."


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