twenty seven

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"I'll see you later," Peter reassured with a smile. "I'll be back when my field trip is over."

Y/n nodded, understanding that the boy in front of her had a life of his own, and he can't be with her constantly– even though her last day was nearing.

He gave another smile as he let go of Y/n's hand and walked out the doors of the Deli.


"Combining the genetic information from all three spiders into these fifteen genetically designed super spiders," a woman motioned to the group of spiders each in their own individual little see-through boxed glasses.

"There's fourteen spiders," Flash spoke out.

The women adjusted her lab coat, looking into one empty spot the spider is supposed to occupy. "Um, well, I guess the researchers are working on that one. Moving on."

"I got to use the bathroom," Peter mumbled to Ned who walked beside him with the rest of their class.

Ned nodded, "Okay, I'll tell the teacher–"

Peter shook his head, "No, I'll be back really quick, nobody would notice." With that, he slowed his steps and went to the back of the crowd, and stepped away into a different hallway when the teacher went to speak to Flash.

Peter walked into the empty halls, looking for a bathroom sign. "I swear I saw one around here," he whispered to himself.

He stopped in his tracks when one of the doors opened, and a group of researchers walked out. "I just can't figure it out," one said, while the other suggested they get pizza for dinner later.

Curious, Peter noticed the lab was now empty from the small crack the door left before it shut closed. He went to open the door, when he noticed a passcode had to be punched in first.

Without thinking, he pushed 1234 and a little light flashed green and the door clicked opened. "Seriously? A building filled with geniuses and that's the password," Peter scoffed, shaking his head as he entered the room.

He took one step in, quietly closing the door behind him. Then, he began looking through microscopes, careful not to touch anything.

"Hm, interesting," Peter thought to himself, looking around once again.

And in a moment too quick for him to comprehend, a spider fell onto his hand and bit him, the little thing quickly crawling away and disappearing from the boy's sight.

Peter hissed in pain, biting into his fist to keep himself from making a loud sound.

Immediately, he got himself out of the room and fast walked to his class, completely forgetting his need to pee.

"Dude," Ned whispered, "what took you so long?"

"Long story."


a/n: spider snacc

hi ive been busy. probably should update my rant book sometime soon too, to explain everything.

anyway, how are ya? i hope you're doing well (:

i watched the captain marvel movie when it came out, it was marvelous; i loooved it! (no spoilers in the comments please, some people didnt get to watch it yet)

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