twenty three

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"and she stayed the night." Peter ended, holding back a large grin. "May and Ben really like her, but who wouldn't? She's perfect!"

Ned dropped his plastic fork onto his lunch plate, his eyes wide. "She stayed the night? Dude! Did you like, kiss her?"

"What!" Peter choked, "no, of course not, I can't do that!"

Ned smirked, tilting his head, "why not? You have a crush on her."

Peter gasped, his voice cracking as he talked in a hushed whisper. "That doesn't mean I can just kiss her!"

His friend just shook his head, "well I hope things will work you for you. I'm pretty sure she likes you too."

"She doesn't. She's out of my league," Peter sighed, poking at his mashed potatoes with his fork.

"Don't sell yourself short, you're awesome, Pete!"

The young boy shook his head, mindlessly moving his glasses back up his nose. "She's leaving soon, anyway."

"Oh," Ned sighed, "Will she be coming back?"

Peter shrugged, "don't know."

"Better tell her you like her then, if she's leaving," Ned said. "Worst-case scenario, she doesn't like you back and you'll never see each other again."

Peter's brows furrowed as he shook his head at what could be one of the worst ideas he's ever heard.


some much needed bromance.

it's short, but cut me some slack here. this story is supposed to have short chapters + its 2am.

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