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Y/n laughed, "My friends back home would love you, Peter!"

The boy chuckled as well, leaning against the counter, his arms crossed and resting upon the countertop.

The two teens were talking about their lives, forming a friendship that they both enjoyed.

"Are you... going back home?" Peter asks, realizing that Y/n might not be here forever and he won't be able to see her every day.

"Yeah, at the end of the month." Y/n, now realizing the situation in hand, suddenly felt sadness fill her chest. Why? She didn't know.

"Oh," the cheery atmosphere suddenly disappeared. Before thinking, Peter asked, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes, I am." Y/n responded.

"Wanna go to the movies?" The boy asked, mentally cursing himself.

Y/n nodded, "of course."
"Wait..." Y/n thought. "Is this a date? Oh my goodness its a date. Oh no, a date... yay a date!-"

"Y/n?" Peter asks, waving a hand in her face. "Earth to Y/n"

"Oh, what?" Y/n blushed, embarrassed.

Peter smirked, tilting his head a little. "You seemed distracted."

The boy didn't know where all this confidence came from, and Y/n seemed to lose all of hers. It was like they switched parts.

"I was just thinking." She smiled, which the boy immediately returned.

"Well, I gotta go, meet Ned and stuff. See you tomorrow, Y/n!" Peter waved goodbye, a blush creeping up his neck, and walked out of the Deli.

"See you tomorrow" she replied, watching the cute boy leave with flushed cheeks.

30 Days [Peter Parker x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now