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"Y/n, You've been working here all day! Go on, take a break aye." Delmar smiled. The girl smiled at her uncle in return and nodded in reply.

She looked longingly at the door, hoping a specific someone would walk through that door. She shook her head, mostly to herself. Seeing him come through every day was like a routine. It felt as if the day isnt completed without him.

"This is so stupid. I've only known him a week." Y/n said as she walked out of the Delli doors, and walking mindlessly through the streets of New York, Queens.

She can go to the central park. Or go window shopping, since everything was way too expensive anyway. Or get on a bus and let it take her away to anywhere, now that sounded very tumblr.

Y/n walked to the nearest bus stop and waited for the first bus to come. She watched people walk past, living their own life. Some walked by in a hurry, some seeming distracted or bothered. Everybody had their own thing going on, and it stays completely unknown to the girl on the bench.


Peter walked towards a mall, hands in his sweater pockets, his mind wandering on gifts he could buy for Aunt May. A bus passed by, and he mindlessly glanced at it. Y/n was sat by the window, looking down, probably at her phone. He decided to follow after the bus, suddenly not thinking rationally.


The bus came to a stop at a red light. Peter took the chance and tapped the window near the girl on the bus. She flinched, startled, and looked out the window to see Peter. Her eyes went wide in shock.

Y/n stood from her seat and rushed to the bus doors. "I need to get out!"


The girl pushed the doors, which opened from the force. She ran out, coming face to face with Peter.

Peter smiled, "Hi"

"Hey." Y/n breathed out, smiling as well.


a/n: this chapter, I feel like, was messy

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this chapter, I feel like, was messy. sorry.

if you have any chapter requests, let me know here

i hope you all
have a nice
drink some water,
eat some healthies,
ily ♡

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