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Y/n and Peter walked around Queens Zoo side by side, talking about random things that came to mind and having an overall good time.

"Oh, let's go to the petting zoo!" Y/n exclaimed excitedly. Peter just nodded, delighted at how well this date was going.

As soon as they walked into the little petting zoo area, they were immediately greeted by goats. Y/n pat their necks, giving each social goat attention.

"Wow, awesome horns," Peter commented, touching one particular goat's horn. He quickly regretted it when the goat tried to headbutt him. "Maybe we should leave. I don't think they like me."

"Sea lion feeding!" A group of people, including Y/n and Peter, went up to the Sea Lion exhibit to witness the feeding

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"Sea lion feeding!" A group of people, including Y/n and Peter, went up to the Sea Lion exhibit to witness the feeding. There was many "ooh"s and "ahh"s throughout the crowd.

"Male sea lions grow to be big! So females look for the largest males to mate with. So yes, the bigger the better!" The zookeeper said, educating the crowd with a couple of facts.

"Bigger the better." Y/n repeated, laughing at her inappropriate thoughts.

"That's what she said," Peter added.

The two teens watched the owl as it slept

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The two teens watched the owl as it slept. It wasn't doing anything much, yet it was interesting to watch. Peter looked at his date as she took in every detail of the owl, and treasured the peaceful atmosphere. Compared to all the other animals, nobody really came to admire the owl as they did with the Bears.

Peter took a deep breath, something he has been doing a lot lately. Slowly, he reached his hand out, inching closer to the girl beside him, who he developed a huge crush for in the past couple days.

Right when his first finger nearly came in contact with hers, a family of 5 loud kids came by to check if the nocturnal bird was doing anything interesting during the brightest hours of the day. He quickly took his hand back, sighing in disappointment.

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Queens Zoo is a real place, in case you wanted to go to where you and Peter had your first date (;

also, I'm working on a story about mental health (more specifically, the sad sad) and I wanted to know if you guys would be interested?
No, it's not a fanfiction.

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